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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: Using Irrigation and Organic Amendment to Reduce Fumigant Emissions.

Location: Water Management Research

Project Number: 5302-13220-004-19
Project Type: Trust

Start Date: Aug 01, 2008
End Date: Jul 31, 2009

1. Determine effectiveness of composted manure incorporation into surface soil on emission reductions from soil fumigation and determine the adequate soil moisture condition to maximize the organic effect. 2. Evaluate differences in emission reduction from various organic materials. 3. Determine the potential of organic amendment to reduce fumigant emissions in different soil types.

Two field trials and laboratory soil column tests are planned to achieve the study objectives. The research activities will take three years to complete. A first year field trial will focus on surface soil treatment including irrigation that produces different soil moisture conditions for fumigation and organic amendment with composted manure in a sandy loam soil. Soil column tests in the 2nd year will determine the effectiveness of different organic materials and soil moisture condition on emission reductions in a different soil type (clay loam), providing information for the following year field trial. A 3rd year field trial will be testing treatments after integrating the results from the first two years and test organic amendment with soil moisture effect on emission reductions in a clay loam soil. Documents Trust with Almond Board of Calif.Log 35633.


Project Team
Gao, Suduan
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Last Modified: 05/09/2009
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