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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: Methods to Eradicate Hydrilla and Other Non-Native Aquatic Weeds

Location: Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research

Project Number: 5325-22000-019-08
Project Type: Reimbursable

Start Date: May 15, 2006
End Date: Sep 30, 2009

Develop new methodologies for completely controlling (eradicating) vegetative and reproductive and dispersal capacity of Hydrilla verticillata in flowing and standing-water sites. Determine efficacy and new uses for existing and new systemic and contact herbicides. Examine potential for other non-chemical eradication methods, such as physical removal, ultrasonic exposures and applied electric fields.

Replicated laboratory and outdoor culture treatments will be made to established H. verticillata and mature propagules (tubers and turions) using penoxsulam, carfentrazone and various forms of chlorine. Exposures will include in-water and simulated ¿drawdown¿ (exposed sediment) applications where appropriate. Assessment of on-going eradication methods at Clear Lake, CA will be made using bioassays coupled with analysis of herbicide residues in sediment cores. Exploratory examination will be made to determine effects of ultrasonic energy and low power, applied electrical fields on propagule viability. Documents Reimbursable with CA Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) 425 Log 31660.


Project Team
Anderson, Lars
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
  FY 2007
Related National Programs
  Crop Protection & Quarantine (304)
Last Modified: 01/16/2009
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