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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Subjects of Investigation

Research Project: Improvement of Rice Quality and Safety

Location: Processed Foods Research

Project Number: 5325-41440-004-02
Project Type: Specific Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Feb 23, 2005
End Date: Feb 22, 2010

1. Study the effect of milling temperatures on milling quality. 2. Develop alternative technologies for rice disinfestation.

1. The research will evaluate the effects of coding methods and milling conditions on it's consistency and accuracy of rice sample milling. To evaluate the effect of rice mill cooling methods on rice quality, various paddy rice samples with different quality from different regions in the U.S. will be used for study. Several cooling methods of the rice mill, including internal and external cooling devices developed at UC Davis using water at room and low temperatures, will be tested. The effect of cooling devices and methods on the quality of milled rice will be determined and optimum cooling conditions will be recommended to the California Rice Research Board. 2. The research will use infrared and radio frequency treatments to kill insect pests in paddy rice. The effects of such treatments on rice moisture removal and quality will also be studied. To study the effectiveness of alternative rice disinfestation methods, infested paddy rice samples will be processed by using an infrared heating device and a radio frequency device developed at UC Davis. The rice samples will be exposed to various temperatures and time periods under the infrared and radio frequency heating conditions. Effective processing conditions will be recommended to the California Rice Research Board. 3. This money will be used to access specific essential equipment only available at UC Davis and to hire personnel with specialized experience using this equipment in support of trust agreements with the California Rice Research Board. Documents SCA with UC-Davis.


Project Team
Pan, Zhongli - John
Project Annual Reports
  FY 2008
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  FY 2005
Related National Programs
  Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (306)
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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