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EPA Smart Growth Grants from 2003 RFIPs


Five communities awarded cooperative agreement for Smart Growth in Brownfield Communities

Awarded to the communities of Allegan, Michigan; Toledo, Ohio; Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Emeryville, California; and the Downriver Community Conference of Southgate, Michigan. This funding will be used to remove barriers and incorporate smart growth into planning, revitalization, and/or redevelopment efforts. The grants emphasize projects that feature innovative community actions and successful responses to smart growth implementation and brownfields redevelopment that can be replicated across the country. For more information, visit Smart Growth in Brownfield Communities. The deadline for proposals was July 8, 2003.

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Smart Growth America awarded cooperative agreement for Streamlining Development and Regulatory Reform

On August 27, 2003, EPA awarded a cooperative agreement to Smart Growth America to provide assistance to localities and municipalities interested in addressing three important obstacles to environmentally friendly, smart growth development: 1) regulatory barriers, 2) development approval processes, and 3) development design review. The deadline for proposals was April 29, 2003.

Update: The Smart Growth Leadership Institute, a project of Smart Growth America, developed the Smart Growth Implementation Toolkit to help communities identify and overcome barriers to smarter growth and more sustainable development. The toolkit includes a scorecard to examine proposed projects and "audits" of policies and codes. Smart Growth Implementation Toolkit. Exit EPA Disclaimer

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United States Green Building Council awarded cooperative agreement for National Smart Growth Certification Program

On September 2, 2003, EPA awarded a cooperative agreement to the US Green Building Council to develop a third-party certification system for smart growth development. EPA believes that smart growth certification systems can help achieve the smart growth goals communities set for themselves and at the same time improve the environment. The deadline for proposals was April 25, 2003.

Update: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) is being developed in partnership with the Congress for the New Urbanism Exit EPA Disclaimer and the Natural Resources Defense Council Exit EPA Disclaimer . Through funding from EPA and other sources, the USGBC was able to develop the pilot version of the voluntary rating system and begin the pilot process. The pilot version of the rating system assesses points in three categories: Location and Linkage; Neighborhood Pattern and Design; and Green Construction and Technology. Depending on the number of points earned, an applicant will get a certified, silver, gold, or platinum rating. After the pilot is completed, revisions will be made to the rating system and the public will have an opportunity to comment. Adoption of the final rating system is anticipated in 2009. Click here for more information Exit EPA Disclaimer .

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Smart Growth America awarded cooperative agreement for Smart Growth Starter Kits

On September 5, 2003, EPA awarded a cooperative agreement to Smart Growth America to develop new outreach tools to educate decision-makers, professional groups, and other interested parties about smart growth to reduce the environmental impacts of development. The deadline for proposals was April 29, 2003.

Update: In 2005, Smart Growth America produced an electronic library of smart growth resources from more than 100 organizations, which includes road-tested presentations and materials by local and national leaders and organizations, publications and fact sheets, and Web links to more than 100 additional resources.
Visit Smart Growth America's Web site to order a copy of the Smart Growth Shareware Exit EPA Disclaimer .

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Local Government Commission awarded cooperative agreement for National Smart Growth Conference

On September 17, 2003, EPA awarded a cooperative agreement to the Local Government Commission to organize a national smart growth conference. This conference will be a national, multi-disciplinary event that focuses on diverse smart growth issues and participants. The deadline for proposals was April 25, 2003.

Update: Visit the New Partners for Smart Growth web site to learn about the annual conference Exit EPA Disclaimer .

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Local Government Commission awarded cooperative agreement for Combining Smart Growth and Emergency Response

On September 26, 2003, EPA awarded a cooperative agreement to the Local Government Commission to address the nexus of smart growth street design and emergency response issues. Smart growth street designs can be key to mitigating the air and water impacts of development and the environment. The deadline for proposals was April 25, 2003.

Update: LGC Exit EPA Disclaimer has produced two fact sheets through this grant. The first, "Traffic Calming and Emergency Response," discusses retrofit solutions, and the second, "Street Design and Emergency Response," looks at initial street design. LGC also used the funding to conduct meetings with planners, engineers, and fire officials in California. Click here for copies of the fact sheets and more information about the project Exit EPA Disclaimer .

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CONCERN, Inc awarded cooperative agreement for SGN web site

On July 6, 2004, EPA awarded a cooperative agreement to CONCERN, Inc for the development and management of a Smart Growth Network web site to provide environmental education on responsible development practices and smart growth. This award was made in response to EPA's SGNWEB-04 solicitation that was issued on October 15, 2003. The proposal deadline was December 15, 2003.

Update: Visit the Smart Growth Network Web site Exit EPA Disclaimer

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