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Stress Factors in Animals
item Performance by Fall-Calving Cows Grazing Tall Fescue Pastures With Different Proportions Stockpiled (Mar 2009)
item Advances in Fish Harvest Technologies for Circular Tanks (Mar 2009)
item Growing Steers Grazing High Versus Low Endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum)-Infected Tall Fescue Have Reduced Serum Enzymes, Increased Hepatic Glucogenic Enzymes, and Reduced Liver and Carcass Tissue Mass (Feb 2009)
item Direct screening identifies mature beta-defensin 2 in avian heterophils (Feb 2009)
item Cellular component of lavage fluid from broilers with normal versus aerosol-primed airways (Feb 2009)
item Stress-induced immunosupression and gangrenous dermatitis in turkeys (Feb 2009)
item Impact of Copper Sulfate on Plankton in Channel Catfish Nursery Ponds (Feb 2009)
item Proteomics of mastitis causing Escherichia coli (Jan 2009)
item Vitamin D Status and Its Relationship to Body Fat, Final Height, and Peak Bone Mass in Young Women (Jan 2009)
item Proteomic changes in Escherichia coli when grown in fresh milk versus laboratory media (Jan 2009)
item Mammary gland involution is associated with rapid down regulation of major mammary Ca**2+-ATPases (Jan 2009)
item The natural feed additive caprylic acid reduces Campylobacter jejuni colonization in market aged broiler chickens (Jan 2009)
item Process Requirements for Achieving Full-Flow Disinfection of Recirculating Water Using Ozonation and UV Irradiation (Jan 2009)
item The effects of stress on respiratory disease and transient colonization of turkeys with Listeria monocytogenes Scott A (Dec 2008)
item Avian acute phase protein ovotransferrin modulates phagocyte function (Dec 2008)
item Practical Grazing Management and Feed Strategies to Alleviate Fescue Toxicosis (Oct 2008)
item Tennessee Report (Annual Report to SERA-IEG8 Tall Fescue Toxicosis/Endophyte Workshop) (Oct 2008)
item Production Responses of Channel Catfish to Minimum Daily Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in Earthen Ponds (Oct 2008)
item Forage Systems for the Upper Transition Zone that Utilize Bermudagrass and Cool-Season Annual Grasses (Oct 2008)
item Performance and Physiology of Steers Grazing Toxic Tall Fescue as Influenced by Concentrate Feeding and Steroidal Implants (Oct 2008)
item Steer Response to Feeding Soybean Hulls on Toxic Tall Fescue Pasture (Oct 2008)
item Performance and Physiology of Steers Following Grazing of Toxic Tall Fescue as Influenced by Feeding Soybean Hulls on Pasture and Post-Graze Steroid Implantation (Oct 2008)
item Proteomics in animal science (Sep 2008)
item Growth Performance and Physiological Variables for Broiler Chickens Subjected to Short-Term Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations (Sep 2008)
item Metabolic alkalosis transition in renal proximal tubule cells facilitates an increase in CYP27B1, while blunting responsiveness to PTH (Sep 2008)
item Vitamin D delays breast cancer progression in the PyVMT transgenic mouse model: local conversion of the precursor 25(OH)D3 into 1,25(OH)2D3 is safer and more effective than systemic administration of 1,25(OH)2D3 (Sep 2008)
item Vitamin D status in young women is strongly negatively related to body weight, body mass index and body fat, but is not associated to bone mass (Sep 2008)
item Effects of Escherichia coli Challenge and Transport Stress on Hematology and Serum Chemistry Values of Three Genetic Lines of Turkeys (Sep 2008)
item Pathogenicity of Listeria monocytogenes Scott A after oral and oculonasal challenges of day-old turkey poults (Sep 2008)
item Effects of increased milking frequency on gene expression in the bovine mammary gland (Aug 2008)
item Standardized Analytical Methods for Environmental Restoration Following Homeland Security Events (Aug 2008)
item Update: Molecular identification, characterization and assessment of virulence of non-culturable biofilm isolates of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from chronic infections of turkeys (Aug 2008)
item Fluidized sand biofilters used to remove ammonia, biochemical oxygen demand, total coliform bacteria, and suspended solids from an intensive aquaculture effluent (Aug 2008)
item Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Primary Production and Biomass of Sediment Microalgae in a Subtropical Seagrass Bed (Aug 2008)
item Association of tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-alpha)gene promoter polymorphisms with TNF-alpha response to endotoxin (LPS)in calves. (Jul 2008)
item The pursuit of ES cell lines of domesticated ungulates (Jul 2008)
item The promise of proteomics in animal science (Jul 2008)
item Steers Grazing Toxic Neotyphodium Coenophialum-Infected Forages Have Increased Hepatic Gluconeogenic Capacity (Jul 2008)
item Grazing Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue Alters Serotonin Receptor-Induced Contractility of Bovine Lateral Saphenous Veins (Jul 2008)
item Hemodynamics in the Caudal Artery of Beef Heifers Fed Different Ergot Alkaloid Concentrations (Jul 2008)
item A Review of Cyanobacterial Odorous and Bioactive Metabolites: Impacts and Management Alternatives in Aquaculture (Jul 2008)
item Maximizing Channel Catfish Production - Active Management Raises Yields (Jul 2008)
item Ultrasound Tested in Channel Catfish Production Systems (Jul 2008)
item Serum chemistry and histopathology of broiler femoral head necrosis and tibial dyschondroplasia (Jun 2008)
item The effect of a yeast extract feed additive on turkeys challenged with Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes and subjected to transport stress (Jun 2008)
item Effects of repeated oral corticosterone administration on performance and stress parameters of laying hens (Jun 2008)
item Isolation of Listeria monocytogenes from challenged turkeys using real time PCR (Jun 2008)
item Interactive Effects of Ammonia and Light Intensity on Hematochemical Variables in Broiler Chickens (Jun 2008)
item Developmental changes in the milk fat globule membrane proteome during the transition from colostrum to milk (Jun 2008)
item Dietary Digestible Lysine Requirements of Male and Female Broilers From Forty-Nine to Sixty-Three Days of Age (Jun 2008)
item Impact of dietary isoleucine status on heavy-broiler production (Jun 2008)
item Mammary and liver lipogenic gene expression in lactating mice fed diets supplemented with trans-18:1 isomers or t10c12 CLA. (Jun 2008)
item The Effect of Toxic Tall Fescue on Cellobiose-Utilizing Populations in the Bovine Rumen (Jun 2008)
item Source of dietary lipid may modify the immune response in stressed feeder cattle (Jun 2008)
item Case Study: Influence of Rough Hair Coats and Steroid Implants on the Performance and Physiology of Steers Grazing Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue in the Summer (May 2008)
item Thymosin beta in Macrophages (May 2008)
item Activation of immune cells in bovine mammary gland secretions by zymosan treated bovine serum (Apr 2008)
item Immunological signaling networks: Integrating the body's immune response (Apr 2008)
item Assessing Thermal Comfort of Broiler Chicks During Brooding (Apr 2008)
item Identification of polymorphisms within the bovine BPI gene and analysis of their associations with somatic cell score in Holstein cattle (Apr 2008)
item Effects of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on Oxygen Consumption and Development of Channel Catfish Eggs and Fry: Implications for Hatchery Management (Apr 2008)
item Toll-like receptor signaling increases production of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in bovine macrophages (Apr 2008)
item Critical control points in the impact of proinflammatory immune response on growth and metabolism (Apr 2008)
item Basal Expression of Nucleoside Transporter mRNA Differs Among Small Intestinal Epithelia of Beef Steers and is Differentially Altered by Ruminal or Abomasal Infusion of Starch Hydrolysate (Apr 2008)
item Effect of a Selected Lactobacillus spp-Based Probiotic on Salmonella Serovar Enteritidis-Infected Broiler Chicks (Mar 2008)
item Autocrine signaling mechanism of vitamin D in the bovine innate immune response (Mar 2008)
item Epigenetic Regulation of Genomes: Nutrient-Specific Modulation of Genetic Networks in Bovine Cells (Feb 2008)
item Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on Development and Hatching of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Eggs (Feb 2008)
item Routine Metabolic Rate of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Fry (Feb 2008)
item Better Management Practices for Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (Feb 2008)
item Phytoplankton Pigment Degradation Patterns in the Oxic and Hypoxic Regions of a Lake Water-Column (Feb 2008)
item Plankton Management for Channel Catfish Nursery Ponds (Feb 2008)
item Spatial and Temporal Variation in Phytoplankton Structure in a Southeastern U.S. Reservoir Determined by HPLC and Light Microscopy (Feb 2008)
item Factors associated with the incidence of bacterial gill disease in salmonid lots reared in Ontario, Canada government hatcheries (Jan 2008)
item Performance Characterization of Influent and Effluent Treatment Systems: A Case Study at Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery (Jan 2008)
item Gene expression in bovine mammary gland in response to increased milking frequency as determined by microarray and SAGE (Jan 2008)
item Adaptive changes in protein expression in Escherichia coli as a consequence of growth in milk (Dec 2007)
item Effects of Various Dietary Carotenoid Pigments on Fillet Appearance and Pigment Absorption in Channel Catfish Ictalarus punctatus (Dec 2007)
item Selection and Diet Quality of Beef Cattle Grazing Smooth Bromegrass, Switchgrass, and Big Bluestem (Dec 2007)
item Effects of dry cow treatment of beef cows on pathogenic organisms, milk somatic cell counts, and calf growth during the subsequent lactation (Dec 2007)
item The effects of aquaculture noise on hearing, growth and disease resistance of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Nov 2007)
item Developmental changes in the milk fat globule membrane proteome during the transition from colostrum to milk (Nov 2007)
item Use of wide-host-range bacteriophages to reduce Salmonella on poultry products (Nov 2007)
item Evaluation of alternative host bacteria as vehicles for oral administration of bacteriophages (Nov 2007)
item Use of avoidance response by rainbow trout to carbon dioxide for fish self-transfer between tanks (Nov 2007)
item USDA Kentucky Report (Oct 2007)
item ARS Research on Harmful Algal Blooms in Se Usa Aquaculture Impoundments (Oct 2007)
item Chapter 20: Analytical Methods Workgroup Report (Oct 2007)
item Effects of Two Densities of Caged Monosex Nile Tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus on Water Quality, Phytoplankton Populations and Production When Polycultured With Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Temperate Ponds (Sep 2007)
item Ozonation followed by ultraviolet irradiation provides effective bacteria inactivation in a freshwater recirculating system (Sep 2007)
item Molecular identification, characterization and assessment of virulence of non-culturable biofilm isolates of L. monocytogenes isolated from chronic infections of turkeys: Implications for product and plant contamination (Aug 2007)
item Effects of a dietary yeast extract on hematological parameters, heterophil function, and bacterial clearance in turkey poults challenged with Escherichia coli and subjected to transport stress (Aug 2007)
item Effects of sex and genetics on behavior and stress response of turkeys (Aug 2007)
item Minimizing noise in fiberglass aquaculture tanks: Noise reduction potential of various retrofits (Jul 2007)
item Developmental changes in milk fat globule membrane proteome expression during the transition from colostrum to milk (Jul 2007)
item Differential Effects of Sex and Genetics on Behavior and Stress Response of Turkeys (Jul 2007)
item Characterization of a Neochlamydia-like Bacterium Associated with Epitheliocystis in Cultured Artic Char Salvelinus alpinus (Jun 2007)
item Phytoplankton and Bacterial Assemblages in Ballast Water of U.S. Military Ships as a Function of Port of Origin, Voyage Time, and Ocean Exchange Practices (Jun 2007)
item The Presence of the Cyanobacterial Toxin Microcystin in Black Band Disease of Corals (May 2007)
item Stress, Wet Litter, and Colibacillosis (Apr 2007)
item Fish Health Management (Mar 2007)
item Literature Review for Anatoxin-A, Literature Review for Cylindrospermopsin, Literature Review for Microcystins, Literature Review for Saxitoxin, and Selected Biotoxin Methods (Feb 2007)
item Co-Occurrence of White Shrimp, Penaeus Vannamei, Mortalities and Microcystin Toxin in a Southeastern Usa Shrimp Facility (Jan 2007)
item Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Biomass and Primary Production of Sediment Microalgae in Halodule Wrightii Seagrass Beds (Aug 2006)
item A Novel Pigment Biomarker Useful for Identification of Some Euglenophyceae (Aug 2006)
item Use of a lactobacillus-based probiotic culture to reduce Salmonella in day of hatch broilers (Jul 2006)
item Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll Concentration in Hypereutrophic Aquatic Systems: Model Tuning and Accuracy Optimization (Apr 2006)
item Toxic Algae in Southeastern Aquaculture Systems (Mar 2006)
item Effects of Organic Fertilization and Organic Diets on Production of Channel Catfish in Earthen Ponds (Feb 2006)
item Breeder Hen Dietary L-Carnitine Affects Progeny Carcase Trait (Apr 2005)
item Evaluation of Stocking Density on Physiological Adaptive Responses of Broilers (Jan 2005)
item Evaluation of Stocking Density on Eating and Drinking Behavior of Broilers (Jan 2005)
item Evaluation of Stocking Density on Intestinal Mocroflora of Broilers (Jan 2005)
item Broiler Response to Amino Acid Density in a Digestible Ideal Pattern During Various Feed Phases Throughout Life (Jan 2005)
item Comparison of Two Models for Induction of Controlled Stress in Broilers (Jan 2005)
item Broiler Responses to a Feed Enzyme in Diets Differing in Amino Acids and Energy (Jan 2005)
item Is Valine Limiting in Broiler Growth Diets Based on Corn and Soybean Meal (Jan 2005)
item Lysine Needs of Heavy Late-Developing Broilers (Jan 2005)
item Effects of Smallmouth Buffalo and Potassium Permanganate Treatment on Plankton ans Pond Water Quality (Jun 2002)
item Variants of Microcystin in Southeastern USA Channel Catfish (Ictalurus puntctatus ralfinesque) Production Ponds (Mar 2002)
item Assessment of Zooplankton Size Fractionation for Monitoring Fry and Fingerling Culture Ponds (Apr 2001)
Last Modified: 05/09/2009
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