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Wetland Ecology & Water Quality
item Ground and surface temperature variability for remote sensing of soil moisture in a heterogeneous landscape (Mar 2009)
item Improving Yield and Nutrient Uptake Potentials of japonica and indica Rice Varieties with Nitrogen Fertilization (Feb 2009)
item Long-term water quality responses to conservation practices in nested Coastal Plain Watersheds (Feb 2009)
item Impact of Copper Sulfate on Plankton in Channel Catfish Nursery Ponds (Feb 2009)
item Watershed-Scale Fate and Transport of Bacteria (Jan 2009)
item Effect of cell sizes on spatial statistics of AGNPS-Simulated Runoff (Dec 2008)
item Production Responses of Channel Catfish to Minimum Daily Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in Earthen Ponds (Oct 2008)
item Watershed Physical and Hydrological Effects on Baseflow Separation (Oct 2008)
item Standardized Analytical Methods for Environmental Restoration Following Homeland Security Events (Aug 2008)
item Conservation Practices Impacts Within The South Georgia Little River Experimental Watershed (Aug 2008)
item Evalution of Long-Term Impacts of Conservation Practice Within the Little River Watershed Using the SWAT Model (Aug 2008)
item Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Primary Production and Biomass of Sediment Microalgae in a Subtropical Seagrass Bed (Aug 2008)
item Hydrologic Impacts of Strip Tillage for a Coastal Plain Soil (Jul 2008)
item Ultrasound Tested in Channel Catfish Production Systems (Jul 2008)
item A Review of Cyanobacterial Odorous and Bioactive Metabolites: Impacts and Management Alternatives in Aquaculture (Jul 2008)
item Maximizing Channel Catfish Production - Active Management Raises Yields (Jul 2008)
item Simulation of Management Effect on Runoff and Sediment Transport in Riparian Forest Buffers by APEX Model (Jun 2008)
item Evaluating Crop Response to Tillage Regime in the Southeastern Coastal Plain (Jun 2008)
item Kriging analysis of soil properties: implication to landscape management and productivity improvement (Jun 2008)
item Conservation Tillage: Monitoring Adoption with Satellite Imagery (May 2008)
item Satellite Mapping of Conservation Tillage Adoption in the Little River Experimental Watershed, GA (May 2008)
item Effects of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on Oxygen Consumption and Development of Channel Catfish Eggs and Fry: Implications for Hatchery Management (Apr 2008)
item Phytoremediation Potential of Lead-Contaminated Soil Using Tropical Grasses (Mar 2008)
item Effect of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration on Development and Hatching of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Eggs (Feb 2008)
item Routine Metabolic Rate of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus Fry (Feb 2008)
item Levels of Nitrogen in Soils, Plants and Shallow Groundwater Beneath Bahiagrass-Based Pastures with Cow-Calf Operations (Feb 2008)
item Plankton Management for Channel Catfish Nursery Ponds (Feb 2008)
item Spatial and Temporal Variation in Phytoplankton Structure in a Southeastern U.S. Reservoir Determined by HPLC and Light Microscopy (Feb 2008)
item Phytoplankton Pigment Degradation Patterns in the Oxic and Hypoxic Regions of a Lake Water-Column (Feb 2008)
item Evaluating the Sensitivity of an Unmanned Thermal Infrared Aerial System to Detect Water Stress in a Cotton Canopy (Jan 2008)
item Effects of Various Dietary Carotenoid Pigments on Fillet Appearance and Pigment Absorption in Channel Catfish Ictalarus punctatus (Dec 2007)
item Microbiological Water Quality Assessment of Watershed Associated with Swine Production in Santa Catarina, Brazil (Nov 2007)
item Study of a Complex Landscape For Satellite and Field Estimations of Soil Water (Nov 2007)
item Chapter 20: Analytical Methods Workgroup Report (Oct 2007)
item ARS Research on Harmful Algal Blooms in Se Usa Aquaculture Impoundments (Oct 2007)
item Little River Experimental Watershed, Tifton, Ga, United States: a Historical Geographic Database of Conservation Practice Implementation (Sep 2007)
item Effects of Two Densities of Caged Monosex Nile Tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus on Water Quality, Phytoplankton Populations and Production When Polycultured With Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Temperate Ponds (Sep 2007)
item Phytoextraction of Lead-Contaminanted Soil Using Vetivergrass (Vetiveria Zizanioides L.), Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica L.) and Caraboagrass (Paspalum conjugatum L.) (Aug 2007)
item Phytoremediaton Potentials of Selected Tropical Plants for Ethidium Bromide (Aug 2007)
item Spatial Variability of Root Knot Nematodes in Relation to within Field Variability of Soil Properties (Jun 2007)
item Developing Nematode Management Zones Using Soil EC Data (Jun 2007)
item Phytoplankton and Bacterial Assemblages in Ballast Water of U.S. Military Ships as a Function of Port of Origin, Voyage Time, and Ocean Exchange Practices (Jun 2007)
item The Presence of the Cyanobacterial Toxin Microcystin in Black Band Disease of Corals (May 2007)
item Literature Review for Anatoxin-A, Literature Review for Cylindrospermopsin, Literature Review for Microcystins, Literature Review for Saxitoxin, and Selected Biotoxin Methods (Feb 2007)
item Co-Occurrence of White Shrimp, Penaeus Vannamei, Mortalities and Microcystin Toxin in a Southeastern Usa Shrimp Facility (Jan 2007)
item Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Biomass and Primary Production of Sediment Microalgae in Halodule Wrightii Seagrass Beds (Aug 2006)
item A Novel Pigment Biomarker Useful for Identification of Some Euglenophyceae (Aug 2006)
item Remote Estimation of Chlorophyll Concentration in Hypereutrophic Aquatic Systems: Model Tuning and Accuracy Optimization (Apr 2006)
item Toxic Algae in Southeastern Aquaculture Systems (Mar 2006)
item Effects of Organic Fertilization and Organic Diets on Production of Channel Catfish in Earthen Ponds (Feb 2006)
item Effects of Smallmouth Buffalo and Potassium Permanganate Treatment on Plankton ans Pond Water Quality (Jun 2002)
item Variants of Microcystin in Southeastern USA Channel Catfish (Ictalurus puntctatus ralfinesque) Production Ponds (Mar 2002)
item Assessment of Zooplankton Size Fractionation for Monitoring Fry and Fingerling Culture Ponds (Apr 2001)
Last Modified: 05/09/2009
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