309 FW 1, Exhibit 1
Micro-Grant and Fixed Amount Financial Assistance Award Provisions


Date:  December 1, 2006

Series: Financial Assistance and Grants

Part 309: Financial Assistance Policies and Procedures

Originating Office: Division of Contracting and Facilities Management



PDF Version

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Micro-Grant Award Provisions




For purposes of this U.S. Fish and Wildlife (Service) agreement, the term “grant” refers to both grants and cooperative agreements.  The fixed amount grant is subject to the terms and is issued in accordance with 43 CFR Part 12 with the exception of the “Exclusions” noted below (www.access.gpo.gov\nara\cfr).


Type of Award


This grant award specifies a fixed amount of funding, based on the approved budget for a Service project described in the award and referenced proposal.  By accepting this agreement, the recipient certifies that the budget reflects a good faith estimate for accomplishing the objectives of the grant and that the project will be carried out in accordance with the proposed objectives and budget. The Service anticipates paying the full award amount without regard to the grantee’s actual cost. The fixed amount is not subject to adjustment except as provided under the termination provisions of the award. The award is not subject to the financial management standards except as provided under 43 CFR 12.923 and 12.960.


The Service will make advanced payment when deemed appropriate and authorized by the Service Program Representative. Final payment of this fixed-amount is subject to the recipient’s acceptance and compliance with the terms of the grant. The Service will make final payment by EFT or other means when the Service’s Program Representative determines that the grantee has successfully accomplished the objectives.   Program income, if any, must be used in accordance with 43 CFR 12.924(b)(2) and (b)(1).  If the grant requires cost sharing or matching, such amounts will be based on the fixed amount of Service support specified in the grant award.




The Service waives any requirements for financial status reports.  The Service anticipates waiving performance reports requirements unless otherwise specified in the award.  If performance reporting is required, the recipient must submit a performance report to the Service Program Representative identified in the award within 90 days of the end of the grant. The report must contain the information required by 43 CFR 12.951 as applicable.  Recipients must comply with the requirements in the Department of the Interior’s Departmental Manual (DM) Part 505, Chapter 4 “Deposit of Publications Produced Under Grants” (http://www.doi.gov/pam/pamfaeg.html).




Except as otherwise specified in the award, we exclude the following requirements contained in 43 CFR Part 12 (and corresponding OMB Circulars A-110 and A-122) from this grant:


                Subpart F

                12.921, Standards for Financial Management Systems

                12.925, Revision of Budget and Program Plans (paragraphs (c) (1) through (3) and (8),          (d) and (e) still apply).

                12.927, Allowable Costs

                12.928, Period of Availability of Funds

                12.935, Supplies and Other Expendable Property.

                12.952, Financial Reporting.

                12.971, Closeout Procedures



U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Fixed-Amount Financial Assistance Award Provisions




For purposes of this U.S. Fish and Wildlife (Service) agreement, the term “grant” refers to both grants and cooperative agreements.  The fixed amount grant is subject to the terms and is issued in accordance with 43 CFR Part 12 with the exception of the “Exclusions” noted below (www.access.gpo.gov\nara\cfr).


Type of Award


This grant award specifies a fixed amount of funding, based on the approved budget for a Service project described in the award and referenced proposal.  By accepting this agreement, the recipient certifies that the budget reflects a good faith estimate for accomplishing the objectives of the grant and that the project will be carried out in accordance with the proposed objectives and budget. The Service anticipates paying the full award amount without regard to the grantee’s actual cost. The fixed amount is not subject to adjustment except as provided under the termination provisions of the award.  The award is not subject to the financial management standards except as provided under 43 CFR 12.923 and 12.960.


The Service will make payment upon the recipient’s submission of the SF-270.  Payments are typically done on a reimbursable basis; however, pre-award cost, partial, or advance payments may be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of the grant award.  Final payment is subject to the recipient’s meeting the requirements under the grant.  The recipient also agrees to comply with applicable Federal and Service requirements for grants and to carefully manage all expenditures and actions affecting the award. The results of funded programs must be documented in progress reports as stated below or as otherwise specified in the grant award.  Program income, if any, must be managed in accordance with 43 CFR 12.924 (b)(2) and (b)(1) and OMB Circulars.  If the grant requires cost sharing or matching, this requirement must be stated in the Request for Application and in the budget.




The Service waives any requirement for financial status reports. Performance reports must be submitted to the Service Program Representative within 30 days of the end of each quarter or as otherwise stated in the award. The reports must  contain the information required by 43 CFR 12.951 as applicable.  Recipients must comply with the Department of the Interior’s Departmental Manual (DM) Part 505, Chapter 4 “Deposit of Publications Produced under Grants” (http://www.doi.gov/pam/pamfaeg.html).




Except as otherwise specified in the grant award, we exclude the following requirements contained in 43 CFR Part 12 (and correspond with OMB Circulars A-110 and A-122) from this agreement:


                Subpart F

                12.921, Standards for Financial Management Systems

12.925, Revision of Budget and Program Plans (paragraphs (c) (1) through (3) and (8), (d), and (e) still apply).

                12.927, Allowable Costs

                12.928, Period of Availability of Funds

                12.935, Supplies and Other Expendable Property

                12.952, Financial Reporting

                12.971, Closeout Procedures



For information on the content of this exhibit, contact the Division of Contracting and Facilities Management. For additional information about this Website, contact Krista_Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management.  

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