343 FW 2, Exhibit 8, Sample Statement of Work/Specifications

FWM#:     230 (new)
Date:        October 9, 1995
Series:      Real Property
Part 343:  Cadastral Surveys and Maps
Originating Office: Division of Realty


The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, materials, supplies (except for items which will be furnish by the Contracting Officer and are identified in each delivery order) necessary to provide land survey services at various national fish hatcheries, national wildlife refuges, other U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service facilities and on private lands as directed by the Contracting Officer.


A. Guidance

All land survey work accomplished under the contract shall conform to the requirements and standards of appropriate State laws governing surveying activities within the State for which the contract is written. In public land States conformance to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Manual is required by Federal law on all lands bordering or encompassed by public domain, and may be required by State law on private land. This guidance shall be followed unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer. All references to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Manual are incorporated as part of this contract by reference.

B. Responsibility for Work

An individual licensed as a land surveyor in the State for which the contract is written shall assume all responsibility for the work performed under the contract. The Contracting Officer must approve any substitutions of individual responsibility for this work. Only individuals fully qualified to accomplish the assigned work shall be utilized on projects under this contract.

C. Supervision

All work accomplished under the contract shall be under the supervision of a Land Surveyor licensed in the State for which this contract is written.

D. Coordinate Base

The work performed under the contract shall be based upon the State Plane Coordinate System unless another coordinate base is authorized, or directed, by the Contracting Officer.

E. Equipment

All survey equipment utilized on projects under the contract shall be of such design, adjustment and condition that the results obtained will fulfill and maintain the degree of survey accuracy as specified in each delivery order.


A. Land Surveying

For the purposes of the contract, land surveying shall be defined as the application of all available technologies for the purposes of: the location and re-location of boundaries; the construction of plats and maps; and the determinations of positions, lines, elevations, areas and volumes.

B. Tract

A tract shall be considered to be an area of land in one ownership which may consist of contiguous parcels to which one tract number will be assigned by the Contracting Officer and for which one tract report will be prepared and furnished by the Contractor.

C. Marking

The boundary lines may require the blazing, hacking and painting of trees on Federal land. The trees along the boundary line, on Federal land, will be marked so as to be easily seen by a casual observer, marking shall be spaced approximately 12-20 m (-40-60 ft). Only special paint specifically for tree marking will be used. When required, the marking shall conform to the requirements in Exhibit A, (Marking Government Lines) unless alternative instructions are provided in the delivery order.


A. Monuments

All land survey corners and boundary corners accepted or reestablished under the contract shall be monumented by the Contractor. The monument shall consist of a standard Service monument (or other monument approved or provided by the Contracting Officer). The monument shall be stamped by the Contractor using appropriate metal dies showing: the year; State license number of the land surveyor responsible for the survey; and markings necessary to identify the position of the corner (BLM designations in public land States or the tract and corner number in non-public land States), and may bear, for ready reference, a serial number (reference 343 FW 2.5B).

Monuments shall be set as follows:

(I) Cultivated fields

Placement in cultivated fields shall be made in such a way that will leave the bottom of the monument on undisturbed material and the top of the monument at least 30 cm (-l ft), but no more than 45 cm (-18 in), below natural ground surface or as directed by the Contracting Officer or the Contracting Officers Representative (COR).

(2) Gravel or Dirt Roadways

Placement in roadways shall be made in a way that will leave the bottom of the monument on undisturbed material and the top of the monument at least 12 cm (-5 in), but no more than 20 cm (-B in), below the gravel or dirt roadway surface.

(3) Bituminous Asphalt Macadam-Surfaced Roadways

When specifically directed by the Contracting Officer or COR, the Contractor shall set monuments on bituminous asphalt macadam-surfaced roadways, the monument shall be placed with the top 10 cm (-4 in) below the roadway surface and within a cast iron monument case, or equivalent, set with the top of the monument case flush with the macadam roadway surface. The Contractor is responsible for obtaining any required clearances from appropriate State or county governments.

(4) In areas at which corner monuments will not be disturbed by cultivation or traffic, placement shall be made in such a way that the top 10 cm (-4 in) of the monument is above the original ground surface.

(5) In situations where bedrock or a sound boulder surface is encountered before reaching the required depth, the monument stem may be cut to a fitted length and firmly anchored to the rock with concrete. If the sound boulder surface is within 5 cm (-12 in) of the ground surface a brass or aluminum tablet should be set in a concrete filled drill hole flush with the rock surface.

B. Reference Marks

All corners monumented under the contract, or previously monumented by the Government, at which reference marks are missing, shall be witnessed by the Contractor in the following manner:

(1) Cultivated Fields

Posts shall be set as required in the delivery order. Carsonite posts shall be used unless otherwise specified. When metal posts are specified, the Contractor will be required to provide metal "T" posts with minimum cross-section dimensions of 3 x 3 x 0.3 cm (1 3/8 x 1 3/8 x 1/4 in) thick and with a minimum length of 1.8 m (-5 ft). Posts shall be set at locations not likely to be disturbed (fence lines, etc.) driven firmly, shall be free-standing, and shall be set with a minimum of 1 m (-3.3 ft) of post above the ground.

When metal posts are used, each post shall have a 7.5 x 12 cm (3 x 5 4-n) survey location poster attached to its top. The survey location poster shall be as illustrated, provided, and/or approved, by the Contracting Officer.

The following data shall be stamped on the survey location poster: the corner designation, the distance and bearing from the post to the monument shall be stamped or otherwise permanently marked on the location poster and recorded in the field notes.

(2) Roadways

Set two (2) posts with location posters and marking as described above, at locations least likely to be disturbed (fence lines, etc).

(3) Areas Where Corner Monuments Will Not Be Disturbed

Set one (1) post with a location poster as described above, appropriately marked and vertical, within 1 m (-3.3 feet) of the monument and located at a 45 angle to the cardinal direction from the monument.

(4) Areas Where Setting a Reference Mark is Not Practical

Bearing and distance measurements, as defined in above, from the "set" or "found" corner to at least two (2) easily identified prominent physical features such as spikes, bolt heads, marked bridge abutments, etc., shall be recorded in the field notes. If possible and practical, a location poster marked as described above shall be attached to said feature.

(5) Setting of Posts

Posts shall be driven by weighted tubular post drivers and care shall be used in driving and handling posts to avoid damage to the surface of the post. Any post which is split, twisted or bent, or which has a deformed top shall be removed and replaced with a satisfactory post.

C. Retracement Surveys and Ties

The original field notes, along with the traverse notes, must contain: a complete description of physical conditions found at each corner; a physical description of items used to accept corners; the names of residents and absent owners with whom corner locations were discussed; the methods by which corner positions were determined; the type of monument set at each corner, together with the distance above or below the surface; and, notation of reference marks, including the tie from the corner to such marks.

D. Supplementary Photogrammetry

In addition to conventional ground surveys, the Contractor may perform retracement surveys and ties using photogrammetric methods while conforming to the following requirements:

(1) Paneling

Prior to photography, the Contractor shall make a diligent search for all required land survey and boundary corners, all useable horizontal and vertical control stations of the National Geodetic Survey (NGS), the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and the Army Map Service, together with other documented corners within reasonable distance of the area of control of this contract. The Contractor shall suitably panel the corners found and temporarily-marked positions in the vicinity of:

- land survey and other documented corners that were not found.

- corners to be located, reestablished, or established under the contract.

- other positions necessary for photogrammetric purposes.

Temporary marking shall be accomplished by placement of a suitable marker in the center of the panel, together with a reference marker. Said markers to be use4ble for later instrument occupation.

(2) Aerial Photography

Aerial photography shall be performed in conformity with the requirements for aero-triangulation and with a six-inch focal-length camera as specified by the USGS "Standard Specifications for Aerial Photography for Photogrammetric Mapping" (Revised 1972) - incorporated by reference. The average flight height above mean ground shall be consistent with the survey accuracy required by the contract. The photography shall be obtained using the methods and standards suitable for semianalytical and analytical aerotriangulation solution of horizontal and vertical control in such a way as to satisfy the cadastral survey accuracy requirements of the contract.

The camera shall be a calibrated precision single-lens frame aerial mapping camera having a 22.86 cm (9 in) square format and a nominal 152.4 mm (6 in) focal length distortion-free lens.

The film shall provide a fine grain emulsion on a dimensionally-stable base, such as "Cronar", "Ester" or equal, processed in accordance with standard practice, suitable for use in preparing dispositive plates for transfer and stereocomparator measurement.

(3) Analytical Aerotriangulation

The Contractor shall perform semianalytical stereotriangulation or preferably analytical aerotriangulation to compute the adjusted coordinate positions and elevations of all paneled points and the coordinate positions of the corners to be established and/or reestablished under the contract. The accuracy of said coordinates shall be in accordance with the requirements of the contract. Use of the analytical aerotriangulation solution is recognized as a basic surveying tool for locating, reestablishing, and establishing land survey corners. The Contractor shall make necessary measurements from the paneled points, make diligent search for evidence of the original corner markers and comply with all other applicable requirements of the contract for retracement surveys made by conventional ground survey methods.

E. Survey Notes

(1) All notes shall be kept on the field note sheets directed or approved by the Contracting Officer or COR. The field note sheets shall be kept in the format directed and illustrated by the Contracting Officer. All position designations shall be given by numeric definition only.

(2) Illegible notes or erasures on field note sheets shall be considered sufficient cause for rejection of a part or all of the field notes. Copied notes will not be accepted. Rejection of any of the field notes may necessitate re-surveys of the rejected portions.

(3) Corrections made by ruling out or lining out of errors will be acceptable.

(4) All field notes shall be properly indexed and cross-referenced and, along with other data submitted, shall be stamped or impressed with the seal of a land surveyor licensed to practice in the State in which the property is located and shall bear a certification showing that the survey work was performed by, or under the supervision of, the same land surveyor.

F. Horizontal Control Data

The NGRS shall be used as a base for all horizontal control work performed under the contract unless prior express written permission from the Contracting Officer has been obtained. Only second-order Class I, or better, horizontal control shall be used. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification and evaluation of usability of horizontal and vertical control data utilized as a basis for work performed under the contract.

G. Survey Accuracy

All surveys performed under the contract shall conform to the laws of the appropriate State. In public land states, all surveys shall exceed the accuracy standards required by the BLM Manual, while concurrently meeting required technical and legal constraints of PLSS surveys. All surveys shall meet the point closure standards set forth in 343 FW 2.6 that are applicable to the required accuracy classifications of the contract. All special conditions not adequately covered by the accuracy standards set forth above, shall be as defined and directed by the Contracting Officer.

H. Engineering Control Baseline

(1) Engineering control baselines established under the contract shall be established as directed by the Contracting Officer and to an accuracy classification' as defined in 343 FW 2.6.

(2) Monuments, as defined in section IV(A) above, and marked as directed by the Contracting Officer, shall be set at each end of the baseline and along the baseline at intervals not to exceed 100 m (-330 ft) or as directed by the Contracting Officer or COR.

(3) The monuments shall be referenced by two reference marks and measurements as defined by section IV(B) above. The distance and bearings shall be shown in the notes and on the plat.

I. Engineering Route Surveying

(1) Engineering route surveying performed under the contract shall be done in accordance with engineering directions from the Contracting Officer and to an accuracy classification as defined in 343 FW 2.6.

Center Line Staking

The work performed under the contract shall be performed as directed by, and with materials specified by, the Contracting Officer.

Center Line Profiling

Specific directions as to maximum distances between "stationing" for profile "shots" and distances between temporary bench marks (TBM's) along the center line will be furnished by the Contracting Officer. TBM's shall be easily defined natural solid material or of "set 2.54 cm x 50 cm (-1 in x 1 ft) reinforcing rod", or equivalent, and shall be located only distant enough from the centerline to avoid being destroyed by normal construction work. TBM's shall be marked in a manner as directed by the Contracting Officer or COR and identified so as to be easily recovered in the field.

All profiling levels shall be looped to achieve the vertical point closure standard required by the specified accuracy classification defined in 343 FW 2.6.

Line Cross-Sectioning

Cross-sectioning "shots" shall be at 7.6 m (25 ft) intervals with additional "shots" at major breaks, unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer or COR.

Field -Topography

Topographic surveys will be performed using appropriate technology, i.e., total station or GPS with mapping/contour packages, or by the plane table method with specific direction by the Contracting Officer concerning the "shot" interval. The Contracting Officer shall provide specific direction on the topographic features to be located. The transit-stadia method may be undertaken only when directed by the Contracting Officer.

Bench Leveling

All bench levels shall be looped to control benchmarks (BM) and adjusted in order to meet the point closure standard for vertical control surveys as set forth in 343 FW 2.6 that is applicable to the required vertical accuracy classification as defined in the delivery order.

BM's shall be monumented as defined in section IV(A) above, and shall be stamped with an identifying number, dated appropriately, and be set at intervals as directed by the Contracting Officer. BM's and TBM's shall be referenced as defined in section IV(B) above or as directed by the Contracting officer.

J. Map Preparation

(1) Scale

The hard-copy survey base maps shall not exceed a scale of 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2000 feet), unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer. The hard-copy survey base map shall be prepared on stable base mylar film at the appropriate "C" or "E" size (refer to 343 FW 2.5C and 343 FW 3).

(2) Drafting

The Contractor shall prepare a survey base map that meets the digital data requirements set forth in 343 FW 2.1 and 2.5C. The survey base maps shall contain all planimetric and vegetation features identifiable at the required mapping scale, unless otherwise directed by the Contracting Officer. Base map compilation shall be performed as the work progresses, and may be used by the Contracting Officer as a verification of the work completed.

(3) Accuracy

All dimensions and measurements shall be in accordance with the Engineering Map Accuracy Standards and the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing's (ASPRS) specification for large scale mapping.

(4) Plats

Proper plats for official recordation of work completed shall be prepared and recorded with the appropriate county (or other applicable government entity) if such is required to be in conformity with State law.

(5) Features to be Compiled and Drafted on the Base Map

343 FW 2.5C sets forth the minimum data requirements for feature compilation. Particular direction shall be listed by the Contracting Officer:

- The plane coordinate system or other grid coordinate system lines and values, as applicable.

- Names, roads, trails, buildings, railroads, powerlines, fences, telephone lines, boundaries, bridges, cemeteries, storage tanks, towns, mines, transformer stations, dams, highway route number, shorelines, streams, swamps, springs, wells, canals, major ditches and pipelines.

- -All boundary lines (physically or computationally located) and other lines necessary to establish boundaries and corners (recovered or set) and annotation of the same.

- The coordinate grid at appropriate even intervals.

- The declination symbol so as to denote the variation of Grid North from True North.

- The classification of all features by adherence to USGS standards and shown by appropriate symbols.

- Other prominent features.


The Contractor shall prepare a bound tract report for each tract surveyed. The tract report shall be prepared on 21.59 cm x 27.94 cm (8 1/2 in x 11 in) plain bond paper in exact accordance with the format for tract reports set forth in 343 FW 2.1 and 2.2. The Tract Report shall include, in order of binding, the cover sheet, legal description, tract plat, surveyor's certificate, and certificate of occupancy.


As a result of work authorized under this contract, the Contractor will be required to deliver the following items:

A. General

(1) all base maps in hardcopy and digital format

(2) original field notes

(3) computation sheets

(4) sketches

(5) survey plats, i.e., township, record of survey, parcel maps

(6) data printout sheets

(7) DOS formatted floppy discs containing the point number and "X" and "Y" values for each finalized position located and all digital AutoCAD drawings.

(8) one original and five copies of each tract report

(9) one original hardcopy on stable mylar of each tract plat

(10) one photocopy of the last conveyance of record (deed, contract, etc.) used as a basis for the description in the tract report

B. Effort involving aerial photography

(1) latest camera calibration certification (USGS or National Institute of Standards and Technology)

(2) all aerial photograph negatives

(3) one set of contact prints (from above negatives) on double-weight, semi-matte photographic paper

(4) line diagram identifying, by flight line and exposure number, each photograph furnished

(5) all diapositive plates

(6) DOS formatted floppy discs with coordinate files

(7) computer printout sheets

(8) survey notes

(9) related computations pertinent to the application of photogrammetric methods


A. Identification of Individual Exposures

Identification of the individual exposures shall be by letters 13.5pts. (3/16 in) in height inside the leading edge of the format with the date, project name, flight line and exposure (beginning with number 1), as follows:

3-10-69             SFO-1-1

with the following additions to the frames at the beginning and end of the flight line: the 24 hour clock time (Standard or Daylight Savings Time, as appropriate); the flight height above mean ground and the lens focal length, as follows:

3-10-69   13:20   H=6000   152.34    SFO-1-6

B. Identification of Film Negative

The aerial film negative shall be placed on a spool and provided in a metal container. The container shall be identified with a label to be furnished by the Service.

C. Identification of Photo Line Index

The photo line index shall be identified with a title, as shown below:


_________________________NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, ____________________ 
(name of refuge)                                                                                          (State) 


Date completed: ___________________                        Contract No.:_________________ 

Flight height above mean ground.._____________ ft 

Camera lens serial number _______cfl    _____________mm 

Contractor:    Name ___________________ 



For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov 
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