373 FW 2, Energy Management Program and Definitions

FWM#: 240 (replaces 373 FW 2, FWM 110, 8/4/93)
Date: March 14, 1996
Series: Facility Management
Part 373: Energy Management and Water Conservation
Originating Office: Division of Engineering

2.1 Definitions. The following definitions are provided to aid in the interpretation of this part.

A. Building Energy Consumption. Building energy consumption is defined as British Thermal Units of energy per gross square foot (BTU/gsf) of heated or cooled space, excluding process energy, and is energy directly related to heating and cooling of buildings and lighting of heated/cooled spaces.

B. Demand Side Energy Management. Services offered by many public utilities and private energy service companies that include a variety of low or no cost programs of incentives, rebates, audits, retrofits, and load management alternatives.

C. Energy Conservation Opportunities. Cost-effective opportunities consistent with resource management objectives to retrofit, modify, or discard equipment or facilities to decrease energy consumption and reduce energy costs.

D. Energy-Using Gross Square Footage in Service Buildings. Is calculated according to the definition in 10 CFR 436.31, which defines energy-using gross square footage as ". . . the sum of all heated or cooled floor area . . . calculated from outside dimensions, or centerline of common walls." Also includes floor area in buildings with ventilation fans used for cooling. Does not include unconditioned buildings, storage buildings with lights only, or freezer rooms. (Residences are excluded if the residents pay for their utilities.)

E. Energy Retrofit. Modification of existing facilities, buildings, or systems to conserve energy.

F. Preference Power. Power generated by Federal hydroelectric systems in excess of project needs that is available to Federal agencies, States, counties, municipalities, and other public entities. Preference power costs significantly less than public or private utility power, but more than project power.

G. Process Energy Use. Process energy is for operating equipment and facilities that are not used to provide building energy. Process energy is significant and is difficult to quantify because it is usually not metered separately at Service field stations and Research installations. Examples of process energy equipment and facilities include:

(1) Ozone or Ultraviolet Water Treatment;

(2) Exterior Lighting;

(3) Engine Block Heaters;

(4) Gasoline and diesel fuel used for maintenance (e.g., mowers, leaf blowers, chainsaws, etc.), and boats;

(5) Fume Hoods/Make-up Air (Additional Air Changes per Hour);

(6) Welders, Compressors, Generators, and Pumps not a part of the Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system;

(7) Laboratory Equipment;

(8) Fish food freezers and automatic fish feeders;

(9) Computers, Fax Machines, Copiers;

(10) Specialized lighting for Research purposes;

(11) Elevators (although not directly related to heating and cooling of buildings and lighting of heated/cooled spaces, elevator energy use is usually not separated from building energy use).

H. Project Power. Power produced by Federal hydroelectric systems provided at little or no cost for authorized Federal projects.

I. Public or Private Utility Power. Public or investor-owned power marketing entities. This is usually the most expensive source of electrical energy to Service facilities.

J. Renewable Energy. Energy sources such as solar radiation that will not be exhausted; fuels such as methane that are derived from living materials (i.e., biofuels); and wind, waves, tides, falling water (i.e., hydroelectric power), and geothermal heat.

K.  Energy Savings Performance Contracts. Contracts wherein the contractor is paid a previously agreed upon share of energy cost savings after the contractor funds and completes an energy retrofit project (in accordance with 10 CFR 436.30).

2.2 Energy Management Program. The Service's energy management program comprises six operational components to implement the strategies presented in 373 FW 1.4.

A. Lower Utility Rates. Acquisition of lower utility costs is a high Service priority. To assist Service facilities in obtaining the lowest electrical energy rates available, the Division of Engineering and the Regions have the responsibility to ensure that all:

(1) Facilities entitled by congressional authorization to receive project power resources receive their entitlement:

(2) Opportunities to apply for allocation of preference power are identified and pursued; and

(3) Facilities have the lowest possible rates from investor-owned or public utilities.

B. Demand Side Energy Services. Implementation of Demand Side Energy Management Services offered by electric utilities and other energy service providers is expected to enhance Service progress toward mandated building energy reduction goals and reduce utility costs at Service facilities. As such, Regional Energy Managers and Project Leaders should work with their local utilities to obtain Demand Side Energy Management services at their field stations.

C. Performing Energy Surveys at Service-Owned Facilities. Executive Order 12902, Section 302(a),  mandates that the Service conduct energy prioritization surveys by September 1995 for each of its field stations.  Section 302(b) states that approximately 10 percent of the Service's facilities must receive comprehensive energy audits each year for the next 10 years.  At the request of the Regional Director, project leaders may be required to perform energy conservation surveys, with technical assistance provided by the Regional Engineer or designee, to monitor and evaluate efforts to reduce energy use at their field stations.

D. Energy Conservation Retrofits and New Building Design. All new Service buildings must be designed to comply with Federal energy laws and regulations (e.g., 10 CFR 435). Regional Engineers, the Chief, Division of Engineering, or their designees must design buildings or building systems that result in the lowest total life-cycle cost (in accordance with 10 CFR 436). Appropriate Assistant Directors, Regional Directors, or their designees are responsible for implementing all cost-effective, energy conservation opportunities consistent with resource management objectives and for ensuring that energy conservation efficiency standards are included as an integral part of all engineering design and construction project technical specifications.

E. Certification of Drawings. Engineering designs for new Service buildings must be certified for energy efficiency. Regional Engineers or the Manager, Service Engineering Center must certify drawings for energy efficiency in the title block of the drawings. Language in the title block should appear as follows: "CERTIFIED: 10 CFR 435 COMPLIANCE."

F. Development of Renewable Energy Systems. Agencies are required to identify opportunities for development of renewable energy resources (e.g., solar, hydroelectric, wind power). The Service recognizes the cost-saving potential for developing renewable energy resources. Appropriate Assistant Directors, Regional Directors, or their designees must consider developing alternative energy resources if:

(1) Development of the resource is economically, environmentally, and technically feasible, and

(2) Energy produced can be used by Service facilities.

G. Passive Solar Energy Design. Regional Engineers and the Manager, Service Engineering Center shall implement use of passive solar strategies, as appropriate, in the design of new Service buildings. Passive solar energy design strategies include:

(1) Daylighting;

(2) Thermal Destratification;

(3) Siting of Buildings;

(4) Window Glazing;

(5) Building Orientation; and

(6) Thermal Mass.

H. Vehicular Energy Conservation. Executive Orders 12759 and 12844 require all Federal agencies to reduce their vehicular fuel consumption. All Service employees are responsible for reducing vehicular fuel use while maintaining resource management responsiveness. In addition, all Service employees should make every effort to support alternative fuel goals for vehicular energy conservation.

I. Employee Awareness. A long-range Service goal is to reduce energy consumption by stimulating energy consciousness among all employees. Appropriate Assistant Directors, Regional Directors, or their designees are responsible for continuing their efforts to increase employee awareness of, and commitment to, energy conservation and cost reductions. In addition, Regional Engineers, the Chief, Division of Engineering, or their designees must continue to exploit low or no-cost opportunities to conserve energy.

J. Utility Rebates and Savings From Energy-Savings Performance Contracts. In accordance with the Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations Act, 1996 (P.L. 104-52), the Service may retain 50 percent of utility rebates and measured energy savings resulting from energy-savings performance contracts for energy efficiency or water conservation projects or activities.  The savings retained by the Service should be shifted into additional energy efficiency measures in the Regional program (i.e., refuges or hatcheries).  Fifty percent of subsequent savings should be applied towards resource management needs after all life-cycle cost effective Energy Conservation Opportunities have been implemented.  The remaining 50 percent shall be transferred to the General Fund of the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year in which it was received.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov 
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