373 FW 1, Policy, Objectives and Responsibilities

FWM#:    240 (replaces 373 FW 1, FWM 110, 8/4/93)
Date:       March 14, 1996
Series:     Facility Management
Part 373: Energy Management and Water Conservation
Originating Office: Division of Engineering

1.1 Purpose. To establish the procedures and responsibilities for operation and administration of the Service's energy management program, including program implementation and energy use reporting.

1.2 Policy. To reduce the Service's operational costs by efficiently and effectively conserving and reducing the cost of energy. All Service employees should make every effort to conserve energy in support of Federal energy mandates.

1.3 Objectives. The objectives of the energy management program are to:

A. Reduce Service energy costs.

B. Help mitigate the negative impacts of rising energy costs on the Service's resource management activities.

C. Comply with regulatory requirements to reduce consumption of nonrenewable energy resources.

1.4 Strategies. The Service reduces operational costs and efficiently and effectively conserves energy by:

A. Obtaining lower utility rates;

B. Performing energy surveys;

C. Taking advantage of Demand Side Energy Management services offered by electric and gas utilities and other energy service providers;

D. Accomplishing cost-effective energy conservation retrofits;

E. Developing all technically, economically, and environmentally feasible renewable energy resource opportunities;

F. Promoting vehicular energy conservation; and

G. Conducting employee awareness programs.

1.5 Authorities. The Service's energy management program has been established and is administered in accordance with the provisions of the following authorities for the Federal Government's energy management programs.

A. Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (P.L. 94-63). Mandates an aggressive Federal energy conservation program.

B. Executive Order 12003, July 1977. Mandates reduction in building energy use and fuel consumption for vehicles and equipment.

C. National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-619). Directs Federal agencies to perform energy surveys and implement energy conservation opportunities to reduce consumption of nonrenewable energy resources in buildings, vehicles, equipment, and general operations.

D. Presidential Proclamation 4820, February 17, 1981. Rescinds emergency building temperature restrictions imposed by Presidential Proclamation 4667, as extended by Presidential Proclamations 4730 and 4813.

E. Federal Energy Management Improvement Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-615, November 5, 1988). Promotes the conservation and efficient use of energy throughout the Federal Government.

F. Executive Order 12759, Federal Energy Management, April 1991. Requires Federal agencies to reduce consumption of gasoline and diesel fuel by increasing use of alternative fuel vehicles.

G. Energy Policy Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-486). Contains comprehensive requirements to reduce the Nation's oil imports. Specifically, the law requires all Federal agencies to reduce the energy consumption rate in buildings by 20 percent from FY 1985 to FY 2000. (Energy-using gsf in Service buildings is calculated according to the definition in 10 CFR 431.31.) It contains new provisions addressing energy management and reporting requirements, cost methodologies, financial incentives, new technology demonstrations, energy "showcase" facilities, energy auditing, and training. It establishes a Federal Energy Efficiency Fund to provide grants to agencies. It also specifies new alternative fuel vehicle requirements.

H. Executive Order 12844, Federal Use of Alternative Fuel Vehicles, April 1993. Orders each Federal agency to adopt aggressive plans to substantially exceed the alternative fuel vehicle purchase requirements established by the Energy Policy Act of 1992.

I. Executive Order 12902 for Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation in Federal Facilities, March 1995. Mandates a 30 percent decrease in building energy use by FY 2005 from FY 1985 levels. The Executive Order also mandates that the Service conduct energy prioritization surveys, perform comprehensive energy audits, increase use of solar and other renewable energy sources, designate "energy showcase" buildings, remove barriers to implementation, and procure energy-efficient products. Supersedes Executive Order 12759, Federal Energy Management, and requires Federal agencies to increase use of alternative fuel vehicles.

J. Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Appropriations Act, 1996 (P.L. 104-52). Section 625 permits each Federal agency, except the Department of Defense, to retain 50 percent of: (1) the amount of each utility rebate received by the agency for the implementation of energy efficiency and water conservation measures, and (2) the amount of the agency's share of the measured energy savings resulting from energy-savings performance contracts. The retained amounts will be credited to the agency's accounts that fund energy and water conservation activities at the agency's facilities, and shall remain available until expended for additional specific energy efficiency or water conservation projects or activities, including improvements and retrofits, facility surveys, additional or improved utility metering, and employee training and awareness programs, as authorized by the Energy Policy Act of 1992. The remaining 50 percent shall be transferred to the General Fund of the Treasury at the end of the fiscal year in which it was received.

K. 752 DM 1. Steps down Federal energy mandates for Department of Interior bureaus and reinforces the requirement in 10 CFR 436.106 for annual reports on energy consumption of buildings, equipment, and vehicles.

1.6 Responsibilities.

A. Director. Responsible for the Service's energy management program and its compliance with Federal energy laws and regulations.

B. Assistant Director - Policy, Budget and Administration. Responsible for direction of the Service's energy management program and providing current information to responsible managers for Service compliance with Federal energy laws and regulations.

C. Chief, Division of Engineering. Oversees the Service's energy management program, issues guidance, procedures, and reporting requirements for Regional Offices and field use.

D. Service Energy Coordinator. As directed by the Chief, Division of Engineering, the Service Energy Coordinator represents the Service on the Departmental Energy Conservation Committee and provides oversight and programmatic direction for the Service's energy management program, including recommending Servicewide direction and guidance to meet mandated energy goals and alternative fuel vehicle requirements.

E. Service Motor Vehicle Fleet Manager. The Manager, in the Division of Contracting and General Services, provides administrative support and data identifying the composition of the Service's motor vehicle fleet to the Service Energy Coordinator to assist in developing options for motor vehicle acquisitions in meeting energy reduction and alternative fuel vehicle goals for the Service.

F. Regional Director. Responsible for Regional compliance with Federal energy laws and regulations, including responsibility for Regional implementation of the Service's Energy Management Plan. This may include conducting energy conservation surveys, completing energy conservation retrofits, developing renewable energy sources, and obtaining lower power rates at field stations, as appropriate.

G. Regional Energy Manager. The Regional Energy Manager is appointed by the Regional Director. The Regional Energy Manager coordinates with Regional staffs regarding energy management procedures, energy reporting, and energy database management.

H. Regional Engineer. Provides technical assistance to field stations, as needed. The Regional Engineer assists the Regional Energy Manager with cost estimating and implementation of energy management efforts.

I. Project Leader. Implements energy management activities in the field (e.g., Demand Side Energy Management, surveys, energy data reporting). The project leader is responsible for energy conservation opportunity projects and energy use at the field station, as appropriate. 

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov 
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