U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Logo 372 FW 1
Objectives and Responsibilities -
Maintenance Management System
FWM#: 398 (Supersedes 372 FW 1, 12/31/92, FWM 062)
Date:  May 20 , 2002
Series:  Facility Management
Part 372:  Maintenance Management
Originating Office:  Office of  Information Technology and Management

  PDF Version

1.1 What is the purpose of this chapter? To establish the procedures and responsibilities for the operation and administration of the Service's Maintenance Management System (MMS), including operating elements and procedures for field inspection to determine maintenance deficiencies and data management needs.

1.2 Why does the Service have a Maintenance Management System? We designed the MMS, a computerized database, to optimize the management of deferred maintenance and capital improvement activities throughout the Service by using standardized procedures to document and prioritize field facility and equipment needs and to report accomplishments. It is a management tool for planning and budgeting deferred maintenance, equipment repair and replacement, and construction projects. The MMS documentation begins at the ground level with identification of deferred maintenance, capital improvement, construction, and equipment replacement and repair needs by field station managers. We must document all deferred maintenance and construction appropriation projects in the MMS database before they are eligible for funding. The MMS documents deferred maintenance, construction, capital improvement, and equipment needs to aid management in planning and budgeting for Service field activities. As such, we manage it to provide timely and accurate information to the Department of the Interior (Department), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Congress, and others.

1.3 What is the scope of this chapter? The MMS is a comprehensive inventory of deferred maintenance, equipment repair and replacement, and capital improvement projects for all Service field stations. This applies to the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS), the National Fish Hatchery System, and to administrative sites such as the National Conservation Training Center and the Clark R. Bavin National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory. We also include equipment repair and replacement projects for the Refuge and Hatchery Systems. The database, when used in combination with real and personal property inventories and condition assessments housed in the Real Property Inventory database, provides a comprehensive data management program for improving, maintaining, or replacing Service facilities and equipment. The MMS database does not include routine or preventative maintenance activities or cyclical facility maintenance projects that we carry out on schedule. Also, consistent with Department definitions, items such as replacement of office furniture, office equipment, and computers; and custodial activities such as grass mowing, snow removal, grounds maintenance, and equipment operation for habitat management purposes are operational (i.e., funded from the Refuge Operations or Hatchery Operations budget).

1.4 What are the objectives of the MMS?

A. Optimize the use of available funds, personnel, and facilities and equipment through effective maintenance management methods.

B. Provide accurate data for maintenance and construction program decisionmaking.

C. Systematically identify maintenance needs and deficiencies and capital improvement needs at all field stations.

D. Determine the unfunded maintenance backlog for the Service.

E. Establish field station, Regional, and national maintenance and construction project priorities.

F. Enable preparation of Service maintenance and construction budget requests using systematic, standardized procedures.

G. Monitor and document corrective actions, project expenditures, and accomplishments.

H. Conduct comprehensive condition assessments of all Service real property and personal property valued at $50,000 or greater.

1.5 What definitions apply to maintenance management? Appendix A, Maintenance Management System Handbook , lists common definitions used for construction and maintenance.

1.6 Who is the responsible for maintenance management? All of the responsibilities in 360 FW 1 apply, as well as those identified below:

A. The Director is responsible for the overall policy development, implementation, and assuring MMS accountability throughout the Service.

B. The Assistant Director - Business Management and Operations, the Chief, National Wildlife Refuge System, and the Assistant Director - Fisheries and Habitat Conservation are jointly responsible for developing MMS policies and procedures, assuring that they are appropriately implemented, and for establishing national priorities for budget decisions based on MMS data. They implement activities through their organizations as described below:

(1) The Chief, Division of Engineering:

(a) Manages the Service's Construction program including development, implementation, and accomplishment reporting of 5-year construction budget plans.

(b) Completes inspections for complex technical needs such as dam safety, bridges, seismic safety, and lead paint and assures that we incorporate associated deferred maintenance needs into the MMS database.

(c) Develops standards and criteria to consistently evaluate facility conditions.

(d) Provides guidance to Regional Engineering Offices on assistance in planning for and completing more complex maintenance projects that require Engineering technical assistance.

(2) The Chief, Office of Information Technology and Management, National Wildlife Refuge System:

(a) Manages the Refuge System maintenance program including development, implementation and accomplishment reporting of 5-year refuge maintenance budget plans.

(b) Develops standards and criteria to consistently evaluate facility conditions and guides Regional efforts to complete comprehensive condition assessments on 20 percent of refuge field stations each year.

(c) Manages the Service Real Property Inventory database and monitors to assure completeness and accuracy of Refuge System data.

(d) Manages the MMS database that incorporates refuge maintenance data (including Federal Highway Administration projects) and Service data on construction needs.

(3) The Chief, Division of the National Fish Hatchery System:

(a) Manages the National Fish Hatchery System maintenance program including development, implementation, and accomplishment reporting of 5-year hatchery maintenance budget plans.

(b) Develops standards and criteria to consistently evaluate facility conditions and completes comprehensive condition assessments on 20 percent of hatchery field stations each year.

(c) Monitors the Real Property Inventory database to assure completeness and accuracy of National Fish Hatchery System data.

(d) Manages a MMS database that incorporates National Fish Hatchery System data.

C. Regional Directors are responsible for:

(1) Regional implementation of the MMS and overall integrity of the data (complete, accurate, high quality).

(2) Establishing Regional priorities.

(3) Overall accountability for completing funded projects consistent with guidance from the Director.

(4) Ensuring that we use maintenance funding for its designated purpose.

(5) Ensuring timely completion of condition assessments and data submissions.

D. Regional Maintenance Management Coordinators. Each Regional Director will appoint a Regional Maintenance Management Coordinator who will consult with Regional, field station, and Washington Office staffs regarding maintenance management inspection procedures, reporting schedules, and maintenance database operation and management.

E. Regional Facility Management Coordinators are responsible for completing comprehensive condition assessments and incorporating all relevant data into the Real Property Inventory database.

F. Project Leaders are responsible for:

(1) Assuring that we update all data for the Real and Personal Property Inventory and the MMS at least annually in an accurate, timely, and thorough manner consistent with all national level guidance.

(2) Identifying field station priorities.

(3) Completing projects consistent with funding made available.

(4) Completing accomplishment reports consistent with national guidance.

1.7 How do we fund maintenance projects? We obtain funding for maintenance projects through the normal Service budget process.

For information on the specific contents of this chapter, contact the Division of Engineering.  For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway , in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov.  
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