370 FW 3, Operations and Management

FWM#:    078 (new)
Date:       March 31, 1993
Series:     Facility Management
Part 370:  Space Management
Originating Office: Division of Contracting and General Services

3.1 Changes in Authorized Personnel Ceiling or Space Assignments.

A. Washington Office. Upon request, divisions and offices shall provide the Division of Contracting and General Services with approved organization charts of their authorized personnel ceiling levels, by position and grade, as well as work stations, in order for the Service to determine its space and budget requirements in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.

B. Regional Offices. Unanticipated space changes; i.e., either increases or decreases in square feet of space which will significantly affect the Service's space budget at any location, must be reported immediately to the Washington Office, Chief, Division of Contracting and General Services.

3.2 GSA Delegation of Lease Management Authority.

A. On May 7, 1986, the Secretary of the Interior signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Administrator of the General Services Administration accepting responsibility for lease management responsibilities at single tenant facilities (locations where an agency occupies 90 percent or more of the space).

B. Lease management responsibilities include:

(1) The Regional Chief, CGS shall designate an employee to act as the Region's Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) to work with GSA's regional Contracting Officer in the day-to-day administration of lease management duties and responsibilities at single tenant facilities.

(2) The Regional CGS/COR shall serve in the capacity as liaison between the tenants and the property owners in the resolution of problems associated with lease management including cleaning, maintenance, and repairs.

(3) The Regional CGS/COR shall prepare and submit reports as required by the GSA Contracting Officer.

C. Nothing in the GSA Delegations of Lease Management Authority is to be construed as granting any Service employee the authority to separately enter into any contractual agreement or understanding with a property owner (or his representative(s)) that could change or affect the terms of a lease. This authority is reserved exclusively by the GSA Contracting Officer.

D. Obtaining repair, maintenance, and cleaning services at single tenant facilities shall be done in compliance with the provisions of each delegation of lease management authority. Copies of all correspondence, reports, and transactions relating to each GSA location covered by a delegation of lease management authority shall be maintained in a separate file by the designated Regional Office CGS/COR.

3.3 Administration of the Federal Building Fund.

A. Washington Office. The Chief, Division of Contracting and General Services is responsible for issuing policies and procedures in the administration of the Federal Building Fund. These duties include the following:

(1) Preparation of the Service's annual Work Space Management Plan and Budget Justification for space leased from the General Services Administration. The Division of Realty will prepare those sections of the budget justification applicable to Service owned space.

(2) With the exception of GSA quarterly space SIBAC billings, certification of all billings for the payment of space costs.

B. Regional Offices. Regional Office responsibilities in the administration of the Federal Building Fund include the following:

(1) Reviewing on a quarterly basis all current Regional space assignments by location and square footage for accuracy.

(2) Advising GSA of assignment and billing errors using GSA Form 2972 in order to correct future GSA space assignment billings. A copy of this form is to be sent to the Washington Office, Division of Contracting and General Services, for the purpose of correcting the automated leased space data base.

3.4 Physical Alterations to Space.

A. Washington Office. Divisions and offices requiring physical alterations to space shall prepare a requisition describing the work desired and submit it to the Division of Contracting and General Services. Upon receipt of the request by CGS, the division or office representative originating the request will be contacted by a CGS representative, when deemed necessary, to evaluate the scope of the work requested. The Division of Contracting and General Services will prepare and issue a GSA Reimbursable Work Authorization to the appropriate GSA Buildings Manager for cost estimating purposes. The originating division or office will be contacted by CGS to obtain its approval for funding purposes before the work commences.

B. Regional Offices. Organizational units in the Regions shall contact their servicing Division of CGS for instructions on how to obtain physical alteration services.

C. Funding Alterations. Alterations to space will be funded by the organizational unit originating the request.

3.5 Non-Recurring Expenditures. All requests for special services outside of normal working hours (e.g., heating, air conditioning, guard service, extra cleaning, etc.) shall be prepared and submitted to the servicing Regional Division of CGS for processing with GSA. All costs associated with the rendering of additional services shall be funded by the organizational activity requesting the services.

For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov 
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