U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Logo 362 FW 1
Overview of the Bridge Safety Program
FWM#: 375 (New)
Date:September 21, 2001
Series: Engineering and Construction
Part 362: Bridge Safety
Originating Office: Division of Engineering
 PDF Version

1.1 What is the purpose of this Part? This chapter provides an overview of the Fish and Wildlife Service bridge safety program, 362 FW 2 provides bridge design guidelines, and 362 FW 3 addresses the bridge inspection program.

1.2 What is the objective of the bridge safety program? To ensure the safety and integrity of our bridges through design guidelines and an inspection and inventory program. 

1.3 How many bridges does the Service own? We own more than 600 bridges. Many serve essential administrative functions or provide primary public access. 

1.4 How are bridge maintenance, repair, and replacement needs funded? Bridge maintenance, repair, and replacement needs are funded through the Refuges and Hatcheries Maintenance Accounts, the Construction Appropriation, or other programs as appropriate, in accordance with Service budget procedures.

1.5 Who is responsible for administering the bridge safety program?

A. Chief, Division of Engineering (DEN) will:

(1) Implement and administer the bridge safety and inspection programs through the development of policies and guidelines.

(2) Appoint a Service Bridge Inspection Program Manager within the DEN.

B. Service Bridge Inspection Program Manager will:

(1) Develop program policy and guidelines.

(2) Administer the bridge inspection program.

(3) Maintain the Service's bridge inventory database.

C. Regional Directors will: 

(1) Administer the Regional Bridge Program for the safe operation and proper maintenance of all bridges within their Region.

(2) Set priorities for maintenance, repair, and replacement needs within their Region.

(3) Prepare budget requests for maintenance, repair, and replacement needs.

D. Regional Engineers will:

(1) Appoint a regional bridge coordinator to administer the bridge safety program for the Region.

(2) Provide technical review, comments, and recommendations, as appropriate, related to bridge and bridge programming needs.

(3) Provide design and construction services for the program.

(4) Provide approvals noted in 362 FW 2.

E. Regional Bridge Coordinators will: 

(1) Provide overall coordination of the bridge safety program within the Region.

(2) Assist the Service Bridge Inspection Program Manager with coordination of inspections in the Region.

(3) Provide technical review, comments, and recommendations within the Region, and to the Service Bridge Inspection Program Manager, regarding bridge inspection reports.

F. Regional Safety Managers will: 

(1) Review safety aspects of bridge design and construction.

(2) Provide approvals noted in 362 FW 2

G. Project Leaders will:

(1) Be responsible for the safe operation and routine maintenance and repairs for bridges on their field station.

(2) Initiate bridge repair or replacement projects and identify operational requirements for bridge repairs, replacements, and upgrades.

(3) Be familiar with the guidelines in 362 FW 2 regarding the operation and maintenance of railings, widths, load capacities, and signs.

For information on the specific contents of this chapter, contact the Division of Engineering.  For additional information regarding this Web page, contact Krista Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management, at Krista_Holloway@fws.gov.  
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