320 FW 8
Motor Vehicle Accident Reporting

Supersedes 320 FW 9,

FWM 073, 03/11/93

Date:  October 31, 2008

Series: Vehicle and Equipment Management

Part 320: Motor Vehicle Management

Originating Office: Division of Contracting and Facilities Management



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8.1 What is the purpose of this chapter? This chapter describes our requirements for:


A. What to do after an accident involving a Service-owned, leased, or otherwise managed motor vehicle and privately-owned vehicles on official Government business;


B. What happens if a third party makes a claim against the Government; and


C. Who is responsible for the cost of repairing or replacing the motor vehicle.


8.2 What is the scope of this chapter? The requirements in this chapter apply to motor vehicle accidents, regardless of fault, involving our vehicles and privately owned vehicles on official Government business that:


A. Injure or kill Service operators, passengers, or members of the public; or 


B. Result in damage to vehicles.


8.3 What are the authorities for this chapter? See 320 FW 1.3 for a list of authorities for all the chapters in Part 320.


8.4 What terms do you need to know to understand this chapter? See 320 FW 1.5 if you need a definition for a term used in this chapter.


8.5 What are the responsibilities for this chapter? We describe our general responsibilities for motor vehicle management in 320 FW 1.6. Following are additional responsibilities for reporting motor vehicle accidents:


A. The Regional Directors and the Assistant Director – Business Management and Operations:


(1) Appoint members to their Boards of Survey;


(2) Notify the Board of Survey Chairperson when an investigation is needed; and


(3) Ensure compliance with this chapter for their areas of responsibility.


B. Regional Property Managers:


(1) Serve as the Regional point of contact on issues and questions related to motor vehicle accidents involving employees; and


(2) Provide appropriate information to the General Services Administration (GSA).


C. Immediate Supervisors must ensure:


(1) That accidents are reported as required by this chapter and 240 FW 7.


(2) An accident reporting kit, Standard Form (SF) 91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report and SF 94, Statement of Witness, is in each motor vehicle.


D. Vehicle operators must report accidents as section 8.6 describes.


8.6 What are the requirements for reporting a motor vehicle accident?


A. Motor Vehicle Operators: 


(1) Report an accident to your immediate supervisor as soon as possible.


(2) Complete the following forms:


(a) SF-91, Motor Vehicle Accident Report, and


(b) SF-94, Statement of Witness.


(3) Obtain the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any witnesses to the accident.


(4) If a motor vehicle is:


(a) Leased from GSA, report the accident to the GSA Fleet Management Center that issued the vehicle. GSA maintains a network of Fleet Management Centers to provide administrative support and management control for specific geographical areas.


(b) A commercial rental (not GSA), report the accident to the rental company.


(5) Do not make statements about who you think is responsible for the accident except to your immediate supervisor or to a Government investigating officer. Making statements to others could result in the Service being wrongly incriminated.


(6) Complete form DI-103, Report of Survey, and give the form to your immediate supervisor. Describe the damage to the motor vehicle or other Service property on this form.


B. Motor Vehicle Passenger(s) must complete SF-94, Statement of Witness.


C. Immediate Supervisor:


(1) If the vehicle operator cannot comply with section 8.6A above because of injury, once the vehicle operator’s immediate supervisor learns of the accident, he/she must report the accident and complete the required forms.


(2) Report the accident in the Department Safety Management System (SMIS) regardless of the extent of damage or injury. See 240 FW 7 for guidance.


8.7 What happens after a motor vehicle is involved in an accident? Regardless of the extent of damage or injury, the Regional Director or the Assistant Director – Business Management and Operations ensures that a Service Board of Survey conducts an official investigation of the facts and circumstances surrounding the accident (see 310 FW 7, Report of Survey, for information about surveys and appointing Board of Survey members).


8.8 What disciplinary action may the Service take? If an employee is found negligent with respect to operation of a Service-owned or leased vehicle, he or she may be held liable for damages and receive disciplinary action ranging from verbal reprimand to removal.    


For information on the content of this chapter, contact the Division of Contracting and Facilities Management. For additional information about this Web site, contact Krista_Holloway, in the Division of Policy and Directives Management.  

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