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Performance Report

[cover] 2008 Sector Performance Report

Download the 2008 Sector Performance Report (PDF) (138 pp, 11.6MB)

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This report provides information on the environmental performance of some of America's leading manufacturing and nonmanufacturing sectors. Together, the 12 sectors profiled represent more than 856,000 entities, employ more than 12.6 million people, and contribute more than $2.5 trillion annually to the U.S. economy. This report is an important tool for measuring the performance of these sectors and for determining how we can build on that progress going forward.

Developed by EPA's Sector Strategies Division, in cooperation with sector trade associations and many other stakeholders, this report provides a comprehensive look at the environmental impacts and trends of each sector. The data, drawn primarily from government databases, show many improvements in performance, such as emissions reductions for many pollutants, both in terms of the total amounts emitted and per individual unit of production.

You can download individual sector chapters, or the full report.

These files are quite large, and Sector Strategies has made color and black and white versions available for downloading. The black and white versions of the Report are smaller (for faster and easier downloads) and have better grayscale management (for clearer printer output).

2008 Sector Strategies Performance Report

Color Black & White
Entire Report (PDF) (138 pp, 11.6 MB) Entire Report B&W (PDF) 138 pp, 10.3 MB)
Front Cover (PDF) (1 p, 131K) Front Cover B&W (PDF) (1 p, 124K)
Table of Contents (PDF) (1 p, 27K) Table of Contents B&W (PDF) (1 p, 27K)
Preface (PDF) (2 pp, 68K) Preface B&W (PDF) (2 pp, 83K)
Executive Summary (PDF) (9 pp, 345K) Executive Summary B&W (PDF) (9 pp, 428K)
Data Guide (PDF) (8 pp, 218K) Data Guide B&W (PDF) (8 pp, 197K)
Cement Manufacturing (PDF) (8 pp, 803K) Cement Manufacturing B&W (PDF) (8 pp, 696K)
Chemical Manufacturing (PDF) (10 pp, 1MBK) Chemical Manufacturing B&W (PDF) (10 pp, 1MB)
Colleges & Universities (PDF) (4 pp, 764K) Colleges & Universities B&W (PDF) (4 pp, 643K)
Construction (PDF) (6 pp, 797 K) Construction B&W (PDF) (6 pp, 674K)
Food & Beverage Manufacturing (PDF) (8 pp, 1MB) Food & Beverage Manufacturing B&W (PDF) (8 pp, 977K)
Forest Products (PDF) (8 pp, 1.3MB) Forest Products B&W (PDF) (8 pp, 1.5MB)
Iron & Steel (PDF) (8 pp, 755 K) Iron & Steel B&W (PDF) (8 pp, 646K)
Metal Casting (PDF) (8 pp, 1 MB) Metal Casting B&W (PDF) (8 pp, 889K)
Oil & Gas (PDF) (12 pp, 1MB) Oil & Gas B&W (PDF) (12 pp, 1MB)
Paint & Coatings (PDF) (6 pp, 805K) Paint & Coatings B&W (PDF) (6 pp, 684K)
Ports (PDF) (6 pp, 2MB) Ports B&W (PDF) (6 pp, 431K)
Shipbuilding & Ship Repair (PDF) (8 pp, 993K) Shipbuilding & Ship Repair B&W (PDF) (8 pp, 855K)
Data Sources (PDF) (7 pp, 90K) Data Sources B&W (PDF) (7 pp, 104K)
Appendices (PDF) (14 pp, 3.4MB) Appendices B&W (PDF) (14 pp, 136K)


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