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EPA's Presidential Management Fellows Program

EPA supports and encourages its offices to participate in the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program. EPA offices, both in headquarters and in the Regions, are excellent locations for PMF finalists to be introduced to federal employment. From this page you will find information concerning all aspects of the Presidential Management Fellow program and how it relates to the activities of the EPA. Information is divided into three sections for the benefit of the diverse population of participants in the PMF program.

Information for Managers: This section will assist managers who seek to hire a Presidential Management Fellow into their office. It includes information about opportunities to hire Presidential Management Fellows, requirements of managers when hiring Presidential Management Fellows, and general guidance from OPM concerning PMF employees.

Information for Finalists and Fellows: Presidential Management Fellow finalists seeking positions with the EPA and current PMFs seeking rotation information can find it here. Also included in these pages is information about trainings, individual development plans, action learning teams, and possible mentoring options. Bios and contact information for currently employed Presidential Management Fellows are available here; finalists can feel free to contact current PMFs with questions.

Current PMFs can also find pertinent information here, including how to find other EPA PMF graduates, how to provide feedback about aspects of the program, and how to link up with current Presidential Management Fellows who are seeking mentors.

Other sources of information can be found at:

For more information on EPA's PMF program, please contact Kent Smith (smith.kents@epa.gov).

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