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How to contact eeBuildings

Thank you for visiting the eeBuildings Website. Please contact us to:

We look forward to hearing from you!

eeBuildings is implemented by EPA with assistance from ICF Consulting.


Program e-mail address


Gary McNeil
Manager, eeBuildings
Office of Atmospheric Programs
US Environmental Protection Agency
Tel: 1 (202) 343-9173
Fax: 1 (202) 343-2342
e-mail: mcneil.gary@epa.gov

Program postal address
Gary McNeil
US EPA Headquarters
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460

Web Site Comments and Questions

The eeBuildings Program welcomes your comments and strives to respond to every comment with an answer or an appropriate referral as quickly as possible.

Please help us answer your request by including a correct e-mail address. Also, if you are referring to a specific page within the eeBuildings web site, please include a URL or title for the site. If your browser doesn't support forms, you can e-mail your comment to the eeBuildings Program Manager (eeBuildings@epa.gov).

We welcome any questions or feedback you may have about the eeBuildings Site. Please fill in the information below and select the "Submit" button, and your comments will be sent directly to EPA's eeBuildings program.

Note that we need a complete e-mail address of the form "name@somewhere.ending" in order to reply. For example, if you use AOL and your screen name is "Visitor," you need to enter "visitor@aol.com" instead of "visitor" by itself.

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