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Pollution Prevention > Sustainable Development
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Sustainable development is development that meets our present needs without compromising the needs of future generations. It represents a multifaceted approach to managing our environmental, economic, and social resources for the long term. In this approach, federal, state, tribal, and local governments work together to achieve environmental protection goals and set standards for cooperation between communities, businesses, and governments. The ultimate aim of this collaborative decision making process is to promote more sensible use of human, natural, and financial resources by creating a widely held ethic of environmental stewardship among individuals, institutions, and corporations.

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Browse these EPA Sustainable Development subtopics
Best Management Practices


Alternative Fuels, Energy Efficiency, Fuel Economy, Hydropower, Renewable Energy, Wind Power

Pollution Prevention Programs

Batteries, Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs), Compost, Electronics, Glass, Paper, Plastics, Refrigerant Recycling, Tires, Used Oil

Smart Growth

Check! Sustainable Development

Transportation Alternatives
Biking, Ride Sharing, Transportation Control Measures

Voluntary Partnerships

Waste Reduction
Refrigerant Recovery, Source Reduction, Waste Exchanges, Waste Minimization

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