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Pollution Prevention > Pollution Prevention Programs
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EPA's pollution prevention programs are a set of voluntary initiatives designed to facilitate the incorporation of pollution prevention concepts and principles into the daily operations of government agencies, businesses, manufacturers, nonprofit organizations, and individuals. These programs are intended to conserve and protect water supply, reduce emissions and reduce waste. Included are programs that focus on a variety of different aspects of pollution prevention, such as the reduction of toxic emissions that can become absorbed in the food chain, the promotion of environmentally preferable purchasing, the adoption of finance and business management practices that facilitate pollution prevention in small business and industry, and the administration of grants programs that provide incentives at the state, local and tribal level.

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Browse these EPA Pollution Prevention Programs subtopics
Best Management Practices


Alternative Fuels, Energy Efficiency, Fuel Economy, Hydropower, Renewable Energy, Wind Power

Check! Pollution Prevention Programs

Batteries, Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs), Compost, Electronics, Glass, Paper, Plastics, Refrigerant Recycling, Tires, Used Oil

Smart Growth

Sustainable Development

Transportation Alternatives
Biking, Ride Sharing, Transportation Control Measures

Voluntary Partnerships

Waste Reduction
Refrigerant Recovery, Source Reduction, Waste Exchanges, Waste Minimization

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