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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Charts Relevant to Children and Adolescents From AHRQ’s 2007 National Reports on Quality and Disparities

Measure NHQR Chart NHDR Chart
Medicare dialysis patients registered on waiting list for transplantation, by age group Fig. 2.14
New AIDS cases per 100,000 population age 13 and over
   Overall Fig. 2.22
   By race/ethnicity Fig. 2.18
   By race/ethnicity, stratified by gender Fig. 4.38
Women ages 15-44 who completed a pregnancy in the last 12 months and had an HIV test as part of prenatal care, by age group
   Overall Fig. 2.23
   By race/ethnicity and income Fig. 4.39
Persons ages 15-44 who ever had an HIV test outside of blood donation, by age group Fig. 2.24
Prenatal care in first trimester
   Overall Fig. 2.27
   By race, ethnicity, and education Fig. 4.35
   By race and ethnicity, stratified by education Fig. 4.36
   By geographic location Fig. 4.55
Children ages 19-35 months who received all recommended vaccines
   Overall Fig. 2.28
   By race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.41
Children ages 2-17 with a dental visit in the past year
   Overall Fig. 2.29
   By race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.45
Children for whom a doctor or other health care provider ever gave advice about healthy eating
   Overall Fig. 2.30
   By insurance status Fig. 4.32
   By race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.43
Overweight children and adolescents whose parents were told by a doctor or other health professional that the child was overweight
   Overall Fig. 2.31
   By race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.42
Children ages 2-17 with untreated dental caries by race/ethnicity and income Fig. 4.44
Hospital admissions for pediatric gastroenteritis per 100,000 population ages 4 months to 17 years
   Overall Fig. 2.32
   By race/ethnicity Fig. 4.46
Suicide deaths per 100,000 population Fig. 2.33
Persons ages 12-44 who received needed treatment for illicit drug use Fig. 2.35
Rate of antibiotic use for the common cold by age group Fig. 2.40
Completion of tuberculosis therapy within 1 year, by age group Fig. 2.41
Pediatric hospital admissions for asthma
   Overall Fig. 2.42
   By race/ethnicity Fig. 4.47
Children whose parents reported that they sometimes or never got care for illness or injury as soon as wanted
   Overall Fig. 4.2
   By race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.48
Children under age 18 with ambulatory visits whose parents reported poor communication with health providers
   Overall Fig. 5.3
   By race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.49
Children under age 18 with health insurance, by race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.50
Children ages 12-17 with a major depressive episode in the past year who received treatment in the past year, by race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.51
Children with special health care needs (CSHCN) who can always get care for illness or injury as soon as wanted, by race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.63
CSHCN whose parents or guardians reported poor communication with health providers, by race, ethnicity, and income Fig. 4.64

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