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Welcome to the Executive Office
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Welcome to the Executive Office 

We are in historic times, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is making a difference.

We are building our organization "strong," so that it is built to last. We're doing it by hiring passionate and talented people who care about the role they play in providing the infrastructure our Nation needs to strengthen our economy and keep our country, Armed Forces and their Families safe and secure.

The right people make a difference, and they — more than our programs — will determine our organization’s ability to succeed now and in the future. Our talented men and women plan, orchestrate and execute our multi-faceted array of engineering operations, ranging from combat engineering to general and geospatial engineering, to massive reconstruction of entire nations, such as Iraq and Afghanistan.

The future is bright for the Corps. There is a growing requirement to approach engineering challenges in a sustainable manner, with alternative approaches to design, construction, materials, energy development and use, water resources management, land use and watershed planning. Engineers need the ability to work across boundaries and communicate with their diverse base of customers. They must have effective leadership skills to guide multi-disciplinary and multi-national teams of volunteers, contractors, state and local officials.

These are new and exciting times, and the Corps of Engineers is blessed with a unique opportunity to lead the way and make a real difference in the lives of every American.


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