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 Workshop on EPA’s Arsenic Removal
 Technology Demonstration Program:
 Results and Lessons Learned


The National Risk Management Research Laboratory and the Office of Water conducted a workshop on EPA's Arsenic Removal Technology Demonstration Program: Results and Lessons Learned. The workshop took place in Cincinnati, Ohio, in August 2006.

The workshop was open to consultants, water utility personnel, state drinking water staff, and others wanting information on the operation, performance, and cost of full-scale arsenic removal treatment technologies.

The workshop provided participants with information on the arsenic removal technologies that were installed and operated by water utilities under EPA’s Arsenic Removal Demonstration Program. Workshop topics included:

  • Technology
  • System design, operation, and performance
  • Residuals generation and disposal
  • Capital and operating costs

System operators participated in the workshop and provided information on their experience with these full-scale treatment systems. Participants visited the Springfield, Ohio, demonstration project on the last day of the workshop.

Technical Contact:

Tom Sorg (513) 569-7370
Kristen Wheeler, SAIC (703) 318-4535

See Also:

Workshop Brochure (PDF) (2 pp, 182 KB) (EPA/600/F-06/007) May 2006

Workshop Agenda


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