U.S. Exports of Steel Mill Products
Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

Product Month
  DEC07 JAN08 FEB08 MAR08 APR08 MAY08 JUN08 JUL08 AUG08 SEP08 OCT08 NOV08 DEC08 JAN09 FEB09
All Steel Mill   Products
All Steel Mill Products 423,956 523,825 483,515 505,995 533,482 547,455 572,517 589,502 633,322 617,458 557,025 428,013 302,059 299,980 272,833
Carbon and Alloy Products
All Carbon and Alloy Products 411,883 507,341 467,570 491,161 517,519 531,866 554,694 573,921 618,451 603,297 543,619 417,297 293,609 288,872 259,213
Plates Cut Lengths -- C & A 72,374 82,028 70,080 81,428 74,991 79,767 67,446 60,523 55,861 68,853 66,692 79,567 50,952 49,347 47,676
Structural Shapes Heavy -- C & A 43,754 55,183 56,159 64,296 77,317 72,528 67,188 73,536 90,697 67,339 63,151 44,407 30,793 28,739 22,956
Sheets & Strip Galv Hot Dipped -- C & A 37,629 53,033 46,548 44,060 49,787 51,125 49,042 42,674 49,380 47,149 48,281 37,021 25,809 24,423 25,371
Bars-Hot rolled -- C & A 19,431 31,930 27,006 29,741 36,215 29,780 30,860 36,661 35,316 41,304 32,377 24,142 19,300 19,227 15,410
Bars-Reinforcing -- C & A 20,923 32,892 33,444 36,636 40,727 46,102 69,549 70,479 66,542 58,764 30,184 22,690 16,808 17,251 15,075
Oil Country Goods -- C & A 13,558 13,317 9,443 9,691 7,098 9,507 9,559 14,205 14,294 13,903 19,255 23,942 19,544 15,889 6,233
Sheets Hot Rolled -- C & A 46,734 45,361 39,418 32,799 34,099 34,555 33,049 28,192 29,351 26,054 22,434 20,068 12,916 13,515 12,976
Pipe & Tubing Nonclassified -- C & A 18,815 22,351 20,938 21,050 25,701 25,486 22,122 20,913 21,585 19,394 21,855 14,719 10,198 11,804 13,097
Sheets Cold Rolled -- C & A 16,806 23,768 21,168 19,125 22,483 24,701 26,966 21,481 30,758 25,640 21,493 19,441 10,374 10,901 12,354
Plates in Coils -- C & A 14,855 24,600 18,667 24,472 16,832 27,699 41,067 77,529 94,422 98,956 98,584 23,316 8,029 10,665 10,454
Structural Pipe & Tube -- C & A 10,676 12,252 13,412 13,084 16,080 17,294 15,573 14,670 14,259 11,018 10,072 7,504 6,746 11,247 9,822
Line Pipe -- C & A 16,330 22,250 16,653 19,049 11,157 4,522 7,506 16,843 12,188 18,354 12,733 18,277 10,001 7,314 4,554
Strip-Hot Rolled -- C & A 11,577 17,198 14,243 11,315 14,269 10,774 13,192 11,251 10,694 13,528 14,001 12,689 9,494 5,739 6,087
Sheets & Strip Galv Electrolyt -- C & A 10,853 12,776 15,102 15,867 15,544 12,778 14,022 11,870 16,185 16,990 13,358 8,920 6,302 6,231 7,623
Standard Pipe -- C & A 4,382 5,088 5,468 6,221 6,046 5,198 6,991 6,606 4,167 4,672 6,535 6,777 6,888 6,285 3,637
Wire Rods -- C & A 5,084 7,695 9,605 8,483 7,666 10,476 8,818 7,006 7,611 10,051 6,591 5,272 3,920 6,131 6,423
Sheets & Strip All Other Metalic Coat -- C & A 6,213 8,046 6,943 7,027 8,493 10,851 10,013 9,630 9,928 8,534 8,814 5,070 6,280 4,281 4,556
Wire Drawn -- C & A 4,955 6,898 6,675 6,857 7,206 7,310 7,470 6,753 6,546 6,710 6,475 4,787 3,878 5,019 5,317
Tin Plate -- C & A 2,853 3,356 3,703 3,005 4,618 4,382 4,328 3,845 4,179 3,779 2,910 2,671 3,452 3,768 5,556
Rails Standard -- C & A 4,088 188.6 219.7 3,639 3,304 4,431 5,654 3,880 4,004 4,852 5,185 6,965 4,992 3,025 4,743
Bars-Light Shaped -- C & A 2,513 3,831 3,639 2,940 4,569 10,092 7,257 4,700 9,314 7,691 6,190 3,486 4,422 3,952 3,126
Bars-Cold Finished -- C & A 5,337 7,866 8,290 8,415 9,310 8,732 9,193 7,216 8,042 5,780 6,079 4,948 3,770 4,322 3,293
Pipe For Piling -- C & A 359.5 110.6 3,433 3,892 691.0 5,272 9,771 5,006 5,084 2,526 936.6 1,250 5,672 1,917 1,598
Strip-Cold Rolled -- C & A 8,248 6,653 7,462 6,237 7,040 6,887 6,666 5,687 6,368 5,623 4,864 4,303 2,648 3,082 2,991
Sheets & Strip-Electrical -- C & A 3,512 2,617 2,810 3,273 2,925 3,139 3,200 2,481 2,869 2,901 2,185 3,067 2,803 2,581 2,124
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- C & A 1,916 916.5 654.5 1,014 6,738 985.2 1,251 1,351 1,558 7,933 1,744 915.5 1,257 4,612 1,482
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- C & A 2,058 2,684 2,115 2,039 1,925 2,512 1,964 1,950 1,641 1,986 1,396 1,729 1,659 1,808 1,368
Railroad Accessories -- C & A 4,095 779.8 2,328 2,813 2,114 2,175 2,556 4,857 2,012 840.0 6,383 6,482 2,183 1,307 678.2
Steel Piling -- C & A 1,022 870.8 964.0 775.4 1,017 1,734 483.2 734.4 934.6 529.6 1,396 1,683 1,702 775.3 1,655
Rails All Other -- C & A 302.1 89.61 263.5 876.4 523.8 144.6 711.3 375.1 1,424 733.7 93.53 325.0 119.7 2,823 107.8
Mechanical Tubing -- C & A 451.9 439.1 500.7 749.7 590.5 684.2 787.1 638.3 957.7 594.2 1,178 715.8 537.6 670.1 583.5
Tin Free Steel -- C & A 60.87 155.8 78.43 98.55 250.9 97.90 264.7 231.4 142.9 211.5 32.71 67.95 40.64 91.84 209.3
Tool Steel -- C & A 117.2 117.6 137.0 190.2 192.8 145.3 174.5 147.3 136.5 103.5 160.7 79.91 120.4 130.6 77.34
Stainless        Products
All Stainless Products 12,073 16,484 15,944 14,834 15,963 15,590 17,824 15,581 14,872 14,162 13,406 10,716 8,450 11,107 13,620
Sheets Cold Rolled -- S 4,836 7,805 6,800 5,691 5,607 5,593 7,466 5,829 6,802 4,709 4,532 4,216 3,220 4,662 5,944
Strip-Cold Rolled -- S 1,564 1,909 2,797 2,206 2,451 2,471 2,284 2,678 2,573 2,949 2,512 1,759 1,442 1,699 1,341
Plates Cut Lengths -- S 1,512 1,374 1,393 1,659 1,696 1,805 1,692 1,533 1,303 1,001 980.4 729.3 984.8 1,374 1,246
Pipe & Tubing Nonclassified -- S 2,232 2,337 1,929 1,664 1,836 2,133 2,113 1,931 1,600 1,881 1,855 1,532 1,027 1,173 1,189
Oil Country Goods -- S 36.21 294.2 280.9 263.8 218.0 45.22 141.5 57.21 4.07 504.2 40.58 28.93 39.26 59.37 1,296
Bars-Cold Finished -- S 491.9 754.9 743.0 697.1 820.8 586.8 732.1 595.6 562.5 524.8 718.4 514.0 475.1 322.6 567.4
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- S 156.1 235.5 224.9 319.3 561.8 368.0 224.2 130.0 195.9 449.4 483.4 435.8 445.5 235.0 488.2
Sheets Hot Rolled -- S 206.9 531.0 555.2 598.7 743.5 610.5 901.7 618.8 491.1 619.1 683.8 330.0 165.5 406.3 491.3
Plates in Coils -- S 402.6 467.7 265.1 497.5 900.3 853.9 1,154 1,053 355.9 347.3 546.6 354.8 130.9 473.3 309.2
Bars-Hot rolled -- S 191.2 310.5 238.0 302.5 424.9 420.7 253.2 264.4 259.8 230.7 329.1 244.4 147.9 322.9 423.4
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- S 74.28 83.01 76.13 90.36 46.39 116.5 90.16 118.9 154.8 153.6 119.1 134.8 149.3 85.66 36.15
Wire Rods -- S 98.29 87.51 346.3 184.7 261.3 159.2 345.0 319.0 341.9 316.9 180.0 147.5 95.24 126.7 29.13
Strip-Hot Rolled -- S 103.9 71.24 63.55 59.28 98.66 93.95 99.76 92.43 49.03 150.9 53.46 46.99 15.28 53.54 124.1
Structural Shapes Heavy -- S 51.13 98.94 165.3 116.0 98.85 208.9 85.79 137.0 99.56 154.3 210.0 122.3 60.49 32.87 69.05
Wire Drawn -- S 44.95 57.13 65.98 98.59 55.44 64.40 124.8 70.55 73.07 111.6 64.58 56.54 44.99 57.97 38.27
Line Pipe -- S 71.56 66.22 1.43 385.7 143.1 60.33 115.9 153.0 6.14 60.00 98.30 64.07 6.72 23.51 26.99

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: April 13, 2009, with
Census data collected through February 2009
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during last THREE Months of the reported period
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
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