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Exporting Economic Research

April 2009 – Effects of International Competition on Small Wholesale and Retail Trade Firms [PDF File] by Robert M. Feinberg, Research Summary. [PDF File]

January 2009 – Leveraging Entrepreneurial Orientation to Enhance SME Export Performance [PDF file], submitted by Stratedge, Inc., Research Summary [PDF file].

August 2008 – Do Business Definition Decisions Distort Small Business Research Results? [PDF file] an Office of Advocacy Working Paper by Brian Headd and Radwan Saade, Office of Advocacy, Research Summary [PDF]

March 2008 – The Impact of International Competition on Small-Firm Exit in U.S. Manufacturing [PDF file] submitted by Robert Feinberg, Research Summary [PDF file].

November 2004 Research Report [PDF file], Costs of Developing a Foreign Market for a Small Business: The Market & Non-Market Barriers to Exporting by Small Firms - submitted by Palmetto Consulting, Inc., Research Summary [PDF file].

March 1998 Research Report [PDF file], Exporting by Small Firms - Reports on the most recent (1992) data available on exporting by firm size.

1996 Research Study, The Costs of Financing Exports for Small Business, submitted by Mckendrick & Associates Research Summary [HTML file].

May 1992 Research Study, State Export Promotion and Small Business, submitted by Charles Cadwell Research Summary [HTML file].

Historical research

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