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May 8, 2009   
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Business Operations Center

A. Mission:

To provide a complete range of administrative services in support of Department of Labor (DOL) programs, to develop and manage the DOL procurement and grants management programs, and to provide a comprehensive program of administration and management support services to BOC client organizations.

B. Functions:

  1. Prescribes and publishes DOL procurement and grants policies, regulations, and procedures. Develops and maintains a uniform approach to the determination of costs of federally aided programs and approves the issuance of indirect costs involved in DOL contracts and grants.

  2. Provides overall leadership, guidance, supervision, and coordination of a variety of administrative and procurement programs designed to assure the timely and cost-effective accomplishment of agency missions.

  3. Provides leadership, planning, and management to the automation of the Department of Labor's (DOL) business activities.

  4. Develops policy and provides administrative support services to program managers of the Department. Provides leadership to Regional Administrators/OASAM in the development and control of programs designed to deliver a wide range of administrative support services, general facility support services, communications management, and supply and property management.

  5. Represents and acts for the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management on matters pertaining to administrative support services, including the development and application of Department-wide policy guidance systems, and procedures governing these areas.

  6. Serves as the primary coordination and control point for liaison activities of the Department with the General Services Administration, Government Printing Office, Office of Federal Procurement policy, and related service organizations of the Federal Government.

  7. Represents the Department on interdepartmental committees dealing with administrative and procurement matters and serves as liaison representative of the Department with other Federal, State, and outside agencies on pertinent matters.


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