U.S. Exports of Steel Mill Products
Quantity in Metric Tons
Same Table - US Dollars

Same Table - Average Unit Value

Product Month
  DEC07 JAN08 FEB08 MAR08 APR08 MAY08 JUN08 JUL08 AUG08 SEP08 OCT08 NOV08 DEC08 JAN09 FEB09
All Steel Mill   Products
All Steel Mill Products 167,347 201,728 178,801 175,214 232,838 214,561 223,271 298,033 259,710 247,694 280,184 203,098 157,289 152,966 134,375
Carbon and Alloy Products
All Carbon and Alloy Products 163,632 197,762 174,965 169,861 227,549 208,152 216,852 292,683 252,734 241,097 273,140 198,189 151,412 148,722 129,926
Sheets Cold Rolled -- C & A 14,111 15,842 13,065 17,795 25,781 14,597 19,476 26,590 26,808 32,696 32,640 21,911 23,402 21,136 13,685
Plates Cut Lengths -- C & A 12,636 18,840 29,918 18,097 28,103 24,421 23,281 24,470 21,932 20,617 30,000 21,970 18,353 19,606 17,170
Sheets & Strip Galv Hot Dipped -- C & A 22,686 24,604 18,917 21,743 31,116 24,127 27,608 29,749 30,445 32,153 49,405 26,011 13,472 12,687 10,274
Plates in Coils -- C & A 21,227 22,317 15,373 10,636 16,256 23,504 18,706 38,517 37,691 31,233 20,306 19,270 20,976 3,162 5,003
Sheets Hot Rolled -- C & A 12,087 18,985 6,928 8,202 14,069 17,486 21,429 44,246 30,133 15,957 18,627 15,053 7,777 11,100 7,892
Bars-Hot rolled -- C & A 12,181 14,715 13,206 14,869 20,944 17,445 16,395 15,785 16,572 11,979 12,610 9,717 6,206 9,782 10,062
Sheets & Strip Galv Electrolyt -- C & A 7,785 7,968 9,416 6,121 8,940 5,177 6,211 7,032 5,819 8,205 7,863 14,651 5,711 6,519 13,709
Structural Shapes Heavy -- C & A 16,864 20,783 17,492 14,458 22,835 19,466 23,543 33,593 25,653 24,403 19,292 12,861 5,794 8,010 7,944
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- C & A 4,411 6,469 6,775 6,872 7,837 8,122 7,331 7,807 6,146 8,603 11,211 8,411 7,519 7,565 6,017
Sheets & Strip All Other Metalic Coat -- C & A 7,938 9,478 8,060 8,358 9,662 12,457 7,858 12,486 9,037 8,070 10,006 5,751 4,743 6,148 6,755
Sheets & Strip-Electrical -- C & A 3,762 3,514 5,174 3,393 3,715 6,220 9,276 6,182 6,667 7,421 8,975 7,236 6,571 3,930 2,909
Tin Plate -- C & A 378.9 1,272 1,359 2,551 1,137 2,648 757.8 2,065 1,471 1,241 1,963 3,020 4,266 4,650 3,030
Rails Standard -- C & A 1,214 143.0 725.3 1,295 2,277 264.7 1,059 1,435 489.1 4,651 1,547 3,434 309.7 8,427 1,176
Wire Drawn -- C & A 1,941 2,564 2,546 2,639 3,122 3,659 3,977 3,529 3,900 3,215 4,736 4,565 3,046 3,148 2,427
Pipe & Tubing Nonclassified -- C & A 3,246 6,062 4,081 6,689 4,548 5,430 5,274 5,958 4,566 4,239 5,797 3,013 2,358 2,596 3,252
Structural Pipe & Tube -- C & A 1,363 2,095 2,132 1,811 3,268 3,054 2,773 3,802 3,258 4,981 5,412 3,075 2,063 2,188 2,634
Strip-Hot Rolled -- C & A 3,036 3,892 2,521 3,051 2,950 1,729 1,665 1,851 2,556 2,098 1,903 1,409 1,773 1,871 3,193
Standard Pipe -- C & A 847.2 987.4 1,576 2,375 3,223 1,089 2,026 3,113 2,157 3,120 2,690 2,711 2,038 1,495 2,382
Bars-Cold Finished -- C & A 1,408 2,772 2,456 2,308 2,846 2,781 2,285 2,948 2,482 2,202 2,295 1,600 1,145 2,350 1,495
Strip-Cold Rolled -- C & A 3,789 1,994 2,017 2,646 2,458 2,685 3,221 2,033 1,984 2,325 2,257 1,721 1,433 1,597 1,780
Wire Rods -- C & A 538.4 1,114 1,100 2,163 1,210 1,322 797.7 2,058 1,005 783.2 1,986 3,009 3,282 1,072 449.5
Pipe For Piling -- C & A 1,023 3,425 2,798 4,545 1,669 820.0 491.2 2,380 1,634 961.3 712.4 378.4 1,841 1,402 1,150
Oil Country Goods -- C & A 407.3 813.3 1,844 1,077 1,809 597.2 748.6 1,395 698.3 952.3 1,797 896.3 1,492 884.1 1,532
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- C & A 235.0 2,255 469.2 1,090 2,181 1,432 2,296 2,330 4,909 2,876 994.3 779.9 788.8 2,324 245.8
Bars-Light Shaped -- C & A 990.3 1,292 1,088 1,431 1,444 1,189 2,233 1,601 996.0 1,268 1,347 1,298 1,048 1,075 829.2
Railroad Accessories -- C & A 4,751 1,011 74.48 352.8 1,061 2,285 1,645 160.2 62.64 114.9 8,767 585.3 727.5 916.0 710.5
Mechanical Tubing -- C & A 868.3 1,472 1,395 1,176 806.4 1,155 791.0 926.4 1,314 1,080 1,182 945.0 677.5 789.4 880.5
Steel Piling -- C & A 41.31 31.79 6.93 2.18 2.06 4.15 9.53 10.19 111.5 170.8 1,247 49.59 1,311 440.1 40.10
Line Pipe -- C & A 1,414 590.4 1,540 346.5 1,250 730.0 398.1 698.2 787.9 2,689 3,216 1,160 508.8 610.1 647.2
Tool Steel -- C & A 222.7 209.5 432.4 490.5 529.8 564.0 970.7 843.8 618.7 296.4 1,581 1,085 376.8 404.8 303.5
Bars-Reinforcing -- C & A 33.83 58.01 30.36 11.70 39.68 38.90 373.6 396.4 687.3 15.20 419.9 170.7 170.7 481.8 70.33
Rails All Other -- C & A 149.9 8.41 285.7 1,079 216.6 1,444 1,658 5,952 63.93 216.3 132.3 208.7 68.53 168.1 242.3
Tin Free Steel -- C & A 30.27 169.3 151.9 127.4 161.2 77.68 259.0 197.1 67.32 262.9 221.3 231.2 157.8 160.4 34.78
Black Plate -- C & A 14.83 14.98 11.20 60.64 81.32 130.5 30.01 545.0 13.78 . . . 6.35 26.89 .
Stainless        Products
All Stainless Products 3,715 3,966 3,836 5,352 5,289 6,409 6,419 5,351 6,976 6,597 7,044 4,909 5,877 4,243 4,448
Oil Country Goods -- S 791.9 280.8 55.29 47.43 373.0 311.0 85.62 170.4 1,314 1,497 1,105 25.83 2,529 363.9 987.5
Sheets Cold Rolled -- S 962.0 998.5 1,135 918.4 1,329 2,224 2,176 1,510 1,583 1,425 1,414 1,176 771.8 755.0 864.0
Strip-Cold Rolled -- S 351.8 369.6 454.9 534.6 612.0 776.1 702.9 737.4 709.1 967.6 984.2 734.7 390.9 654.1 534.4
Pipe & Tubing Nonclassified -- S 354.5 626.0 432.2 500.3 662.6 481.6 401.9 527.7 591.3 653.0 802.4 680.3 644.4 563.1 308.6
Plates Cut Lengths -- S 340.8 445.3 498.7 517.9 536.8 869.8 957.6 404.8 623.0 379.3 762.3 395.7 286.1 240.0 468.3
Bars-Cold Finished -- S 168.6 244.1 336.8 258.8 328.6 756.5 620.9 311.6 390.5 386.2 383.4 465.1 264.7 470.7 209.8
Ingots and Steel for Castings -- S 200.8 140.5 177.2 180.9 280.3 140.0 39.56 189.1 171.5 117.0 250.7 220.7 248.3 224.8 239.3
Wire Drawn -- S 98.93 230.6 189.5 235.8 190.6 180.6 154.9 199.6 264.8 281.2 278.6 322.1 201.4 248.6 234.1
Sheets Hot Rolled -- S 121.1 139.5 164.1 87.45 305.2 243.7 234.3 361.2 436.1 142.2 418.0 314.5 151.7 167.0 204.1
Line Pipe -- S 1.19 94.80 22.68 1,728 235.3 35.39 422.4 463.9 218.4 341.5 153.2 64.86 49.96 284.9 34.02
Bars-Hot rolled -- S 164.5 230.3 150.7 194.3 263.5 241.5 132.2 146.9 187.6 119.7 189.1 208.5 63.96 136.9 94.16
Plates in Coils -- S 25.60 28.00 68.83 0.85 33.58 15.03 155.3 43.11 244.7 115.0 127.6 151.1 140.2 46.10 45.66
Strip-Hot Rolled -- S 57.35 49.14 53.98 42.03 48.05 51.97 122.9 137.9 101.6 90.68 82.62 92.01 73.17 30.45 61.56
Wire Rods -- S 8.83 14.96 21.80 40.19 20.44 54.18 53.88 56.02 64.10 29.74 3.16 33.80 20.30 15.62 74.29
Blooms, Billets and Slabs -- S 14.32 5.41 2.56 8.49 11.10 4.08 110.0 33.12 33.18 16.16 35.31 15.64 6.90 31.21 59.49
Structural Shapes Heavy -- S 53.25 68.86 72.50 56.93 58.42 24.13 47.81 57.52 43.26 35.76 54.35 8.70 33.66 10.98 28.94

SOURCE: US Department of Commerce, Import Administration
Table last modified on: April 13, 2009, with
Census data collected through February 2009
Data listed in order of descending volume exported during last THREE Months of the reported period
Steel mill categories are defined by 10-digit HTS codes
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