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*NEW! Testimony by Michael Morris, Transportation Director at the North Central Texas COG, before the House T&I Committee on the experience of MPOs with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, April 29, 2009.

*NEW! 2009 AMPO Annual Conference Page is Posted. Become an Exhibitor Today!

*NEW! Updated May 1 House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's Form & Guidance (related to Economic Recovery)


*NEW!  American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES): Summary and Draft of Act

*NEW! FTA's Resource Page -  Guidance for FTA Grantees and Stakeholders

*NEW!  FHWA's Q&A and Resource Page for Those Potential Recipients of Highway-Related Economic Recovery

Local Officals for Transportation Letter to Congress on Stimulus

AMPO letter to Congressional leadership on STP Suballocation

Joint letter on PL Rescission from AMPO, APA, NADO and NARC to Congress

FHWA response to AMPO letter on PL Rescission

AMPO letter to the Administration on PL Rescission related to the Energy Independence Security Act (EISA) of 2007

AMPO POLICY DOCUMENT(authorization framework)

Presentation by Ron Kirby, National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, addresses Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Staff on Planning and Project Delivery: Transportation Project Development

Transportation Economic Land Use System (TELUS) is an information-management and decision-support software system  designed specifically for MPOs and state DOTs.  Click HERE for more information on this free tool.

Keep America Moving video.  AMPO and NADO release awareness video for MPO Board members, transportation officials and the public.


The Association of Metropolitan Planning Organizations (AMPO) is a nonprofit, membership organization established in 1994 to serve the needs and interests of " metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs)" nationwide. Federal highway and transit statutes require, as a condition for spending federal highway or transit funds in urbanized areas, the designation of MPOs, which have responsibility for planning, programming and coordination of federal highway and transit investments. AMPO offers its member MPOs technical assistance and training, conferences and workshops, frequent print and electronic communications, research, a forum for transportation policy development and coalition building, and a variety of other services. The nine-member AMPO Board of Directors is directly elected by the membership, including the President and Vice President. The majority of the Board seats are held by local elected officials who are active members of their respective MPOs and play a vital leadership role in the affairs of AMPO. Full-membership in AMPO is open to all MPOs and associate memberships are available to all interested parties.




AMPO & NADO letter to Chairman Waxman


T&I FAQs for Recovery Act Reporting


Economic Recovery-Summary of Conference Report Information



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Economic Stimulus Update

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Stimulus Update

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Weekly Legislative Update


Economic Recovery Bill Update


Transportation Stimulus Program Amendments


Transportation Stimulus Program Funding


- senate draft 1/28 -

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AMPO Policy Update


Portions of the Senate Appropriations Committee Stimulus Bill


Obama and Stimulus

Word Doc

FHWA's Q & A to State DOTs (this will continue to be updated)

Visit AMPO's Archives


FYI Miami is a weekly feature of Miami Today, keeping readers ahead of the news. Here are highlights from the most current edition.
04/08/2009 | 11:20 am
PUTTING HEADS TOGETHER: Tapped by Miami-Dade commission Chair Dennis Moss to develop a business reco...

Merging transit on both sides of river pushed as best option: Consulting firm delivers public transportation report ( )
04/08/2009 | 11:17 am
Apr 08, 2009 (The Lewiston Morning Tribune - McClatchy-Tribune Information Services via COMTEX) -- C...

Somerset County transportation planning funding gets OK
04/08/2009 | 10:12 am
The North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority has approved funding for Somerset County's update...

Publics input sought on transit improvements
04/08/2009 | 09:33 am
ROLESVILLE, N.C. Transportation planners are calling on eastern Wake County residents to get their ...

MPO making plans for areas future transportation needs
04/08/2009 | 05:58 am
By Drew Houff The Winchester Star WINCHESTER Even at the committee level, transportation remains a...

Stimulus projects advance
04/08/2009 | 04:42 am
COLBERT COUNTY - Shoals Metropolitan Planning Organization members added several road resurfacing pr...

Hoover residents give insight on traffic improvement project for I-65 and U.S. 31
04/08/2009 | 04:34 am
When Hoover resident Jim Baty travels Interstate 65 to and from Birmingham, he targets the time when...

Triad Town To Build Parking Lot With Stimulus Money
04/07/2009 | 11:17 pm
Summerfield, NC -- Millions of federal stimulus dollars will pay for large road projects in our area...

Park district gets $2.4 million grant to complete Westside Trail
04/07/2009 | 07:48 pm
Completion of a seven-mile segment of the Westside Trail in the Bethany area is now closer to realit...

Stimulus roadblock: Smaller Louisiana construction firms say they're missing the windfall
04/07/2009 | 06:56 pm
Angelle Bergeron As $430 million in highway stimulus money makes its way to Louisiana, members of t...


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