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Integrated Assessments

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Framework for Assessing and Reporting on Ecological Condition (PDF) (142 pp, 1.4 MB, About PDF)
This framework was developed by EPA’s Science Advisory Board (SAB) as an organizational tool for reporting on information about the health of ecosystems through an assessment of essential ecological attributes


Minnesota’s Watershed Assessment Tool Exit EPA Disclaimer
Minnesota’s Department of Natural Resources developed the Watershed Assessment Tool to describe, quantify, and compare watershed health based on hydrology, connectivity, biology, geomorphology, and water quality data.

map of VCLNA watershed integrity model

Virginia’s Watershed Integrity Model
The Virginia Watershed Integrity Model was developed in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Forestry as part of the Virginia Conservation Lands Needs Assessment to show the relative value of land as it contributes to watershed or water quality integrity.  The Watershed Integrity Model represents important terrestrial features that should be conserved for watershed integrity based on the best available data including terrestrial features that support watershed health as well as Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Environmental Studies Modified Index of Biotic Integrity (mIBI) which served as a stream health indicator. 


An Ecological Integrity Assessment of the New Jersey Pinelands (PDF) (180 pp, 26.23MB, About PDF)
The Ecological Integrity Assessment of the New Jersey Pinelands is a comprehensive assessment of the landscape and aquatic and wetland systems of the region.  A major element is a land-use-management program that directs development away from areas considered ecologically critical to areas deemed less critical.

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