Earth Day in the Pacific Northwest | Region 10 | US EPA

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Earth Day in the Pacific Northwest

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Celebrating Earth Day
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Join individuals around the world celebrating Earth Day by cleaning up the environment, making wise purchasing choices, and by sharing information about earth-friendly living with your friends and family. Earth Day is celebrated each year on April 22nd, but you can make Earth Day Every Day. For more information on what you can do, follow the links below or call 800-424-4EPA.

Featured Local Earth Day Events:

Duwamish Alive Logo and Link

Duwamish Alive

Hundreds of volunteers work with community groups to restore habitat at the Duwamish River in Seattle by planting trees, removing invasive weeds, restoring shorelines and collecting garbage.

For more information, contact Eliza Ghitis (
206-382-7007 ext. 220 .

King County's Make Every Day Earth Day
Learn more about King County programs that protect and preserve the environment.

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