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 Technology Testing and Evaluation
 Program (TTEP)


This program’s mission is to respond to the needs of water utility operators, building and facility managers, emergency responders, consequence managers, and regulators by providing reliable performance information from a trusted source.

The TTEP process includes the use of chemical and biological warfare agents and field testing where appropriate. Test plans from the Environmental Technology Verification Program are often used after being modified to meet homeland security requirements. All testing is conducted following strict quality assurance procedures that are described in the test plan. The data are evaluated and the performance results are included in individual summary reports and in side-by-side comparisons.

TTEP provides high-quality test results obtained through rigorous testing. Technologies are tested using a wide range of performance characteristics, requirements, or specifications. The results are provided in user-oriented products that are intended for procurement and application decisions.

Stages on R&D Continuum: Demonstration, Verification, Diffusion and Utilization

EPA Goal: Water – homeland security-related technologies, specifically detection, monitoring, treatment, and decontamination as applied to high-hazard chemical, biological, and radiological contaminants

Type of Support Provided: Technology testing, evaluation, and performance reports

Funding: Programs with $1 million to $10 million per year

Responsible EPA Office: Office of Research and Development

See Also

Technology Testing and Evaluation


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