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What is lean manufacturing? Lean manufacturing is a business model and collection of methods that help eliminate waste while delivering quality products on time and at least cost. EPA is interested in finding ways to maximize the environmental benefits of lean. This website will guide you to information on various aspects of lean manufacturing and its relationship to environmental performance.

Recent Publications
Lean and Environment Toolkit

Learn how you can use lean to specifically address energy conservation here.

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PDF, 56 pages, 5.6MB,
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Lean and Environment Toolkit

Learn about practical methods to improve lean results while improving environmental performance here in our newly revised toolkit.

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PDF, 96 pages, 3.9 MB
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"Lean Manufacturing and the Environment: Ignoring the 8th Deadly Waste Leaves Money on the Table" - Reprinted from Target magazine with permission of the Association for Manufacturing Excellence.

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How does lean manufacturing tie into environmental performance?
While lean manufacturing streamlines businesses and saves them money, many of these money-saving techniques also have environmental benefits. This section includes key findings from EPA's Shingo Prize-winning Lean Manufacturing and the Environment report and additional information on the relationship of lean manufacturing to environmental performance and the environmental regulatory framework.

What methods are used in lean?
Learn briefly about lean manufacturing and common lean methods that organizations employ to improve their operations. A summary of the environmental benefits of lean manufacturing is available.

What experiences have companies had with lean and the environment?
Many companies have realized significant environmental gains from their lean initiatives. Read more about their success with lean in several case studies.

What is EPA doing?
EPA is engaged in research, education, and tool development to improve integration of lean and environmental methods and to leverage greater environmental benefits from lean initiatives.

What kind of resources are out there? Access a full list of EPA publications, reports, and other materials related to lean manufacturing and the environment.

Related Links
There are many organizations working on lean. This list provides links to websites outside EPA with useful lean resources promoting greater integration of environmental, safety, and occupational health considerations as a routine consideration element of lean business decisions.

How can you participate in EPA's lean manufacturing efforts?
EPA is actively engaged in learning more about lean efforts in all sectors. We welcome your success stories, questions, and comments. We are also seeking partnership opportunities.

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