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Hazardous Waste Compliance Monitoring

RCRA Topics

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Subtitle C establishes a federal program to manage hazardous wastes from cradle to grave. The objective of the Subtitle C program is to ensure that hazardous waste is handled in a manner that protects human health and the environment.

The RCRA hazardous waste compliance monitoring program works in conjunction with the Agency's hazardous waste compliance assistance activities as well as the RCRA civil enforcement program.

An important component of the enforcement process is the authority to monitor facilities for verification of compliance with the regulations. The Agency collects compliance monitoring information primarily through facility inspections and information requests.

A number of different types of inspections are conducted under RCRA authority. Inspections are conducted by EPA, authorized states, or both, or authorized representatives of either EPA or authorized states. Typically, either the state or EPA has overall responsibility, or the lead, for conducting the inspection. The inspector's role is to gather information that will then be used by the region and/or state to determine compliance status.

There are several manuals and guidance documents used by regulators in monitoring compliance with hazardous waste requirements.

EPA focuses its compliance monitoring activities on three separate groups under RCRA.

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