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United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
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Kenneth W Vick
Crop Production and Protection
National Program Leader
Postharvest Entomology

Phone: (301) 504-5321
Fax: (301) 504-5987
Room 4-2216
BELTSVILLE, MD, 20705-5139

Projects (Appropriated | All ) 160 projects listed

Ecologically-Based Soil and Crop Management Systems for Sustainable Agriculture
Integrated Management and Ecology of Weed Populations in the Southeastern Coastal Plain
Discovery and Development of Natural Product-Based Weed Management Methods
Identification, Elucidation, and Development of Disease and Nematode Resistances in Vegetable Crops
Factors Controlling Microbial Transformation of Herbicides, N Fertilizers, and Weed Seeds As Related to Biologically Based Weed Management
South Atlantic Areawide Pest Management (Awpm) Project for Methyl Bromide Alternatives
Maintaining Soil Resources for Effective Conservation and Herbicide Management in Mid-South Crop Production
Biology and Management of Soilborne Diseases of Horticultural Crops
Using Remote Sensing and GIS for Detecting and Mapping Invasive Weeds in Riparian and Wetland Ecosystems
Rangeland Restoration and Management
Postharvest Pest Control on Perishable Agricultural Commodities Using Controlled Atmospheres and Pure Phosphine Treatments
An ARS Areawide Pest Management (Awpm)program for Methyl Bromide Alternatives
Improving Honey Bee Health, Survivorship, and Pollination Availability
Response of Diverse Rice Germplasm to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses
New Monitoring Technologies for Improving Rangeland Management
Response of Diverse Rice Germplasm to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses
Pesticide Application Technologies for Spray-Drift Management, Maximizing in-Field Deposition, and Targeted Spraying
Genetics, Genetic Resource Evaluation, and Genetic Improvement of Landscape Trees and Shrubs
New Crops and Management Strategies to Improve Cropping Efficiency in Short-Season High-Stress Environments
Strategies to Improve Soil and Pest Management in Organic Vegetable Production Systems
Conventional and Organic Production Systems for Biofuel and Specialty Crops in the Southern Plains
Development of Precision Agriculture Systems in Cotton Production
Integrated Invasive Species Control, Revegetation, and Assessment of Great Basin Rangelands
Aerial Application Research for Efficient Crop Production
Sustainable Cropping Systems for Irrigated Specialty Crops and Biofuels
Semiarid Rangeland Ecosystems: the Conservation-Production Interface
Biological, Behavioral, and Physical Control As Alternatives for Stored Product and Quarantine Pests of Fresh/dried Fruits and Nuts
Molecular and Genetic Mechanisms of Hessian Fly Resistance in Soft Winter Wheat
Impacts of Global Changes and Biological Control of Invasive Weeds on Western Rangelands
Integrated Strategies for Advance Management of Fruit, Nut, and Oak Tree Diseases
Postharvest Treatment of Tropical Commodities for Quarantine Security, Quality Maintenance, and Value Enhancement
Detection, Control and Area-Wide Management of Fruit Flies
Enhancement of Postharvest Quality of Fruits and Vegetables and Evaluation of Commodity Treatments of Quarantined Pests
Potato Research
Small Fruit and Nursery Research
Rearing and Release Technology for Autocidal and Biological Control of Tephritid Fruit Flies
Plant Resistance, Biology, and Resistance Management of Insect Pests of Corn
Critical Biological Factors Determining Weediness
Biorational Control Methods for Insect Pests of Potato
Postharvest Treatment of Tropical Commodities for Quarantine Security, Quality Maintenance, and Value Enhancement
Entomopathogens and Sterile Insect Technique for Control of Sucking Insect Pests of Cotton
Biologically Based Weed Management for Vegetable Crops
Biorational Technologies for Management of Chrysomelid Beetle Pests of Agricultural Crops
Biology and Management of Invasive Weeds in the Western United States
Weed Biology and Ecology, and Development of Sustainable Integrated Weed Management Systems for Cotton, Soybean, Corn
Rearing and Release Technology for Autocidal and Biological Control of Tephritid Fruit Flies
Management of Insect Pests of Temperate Tree Fruit Crops
Developing Integrated Weed and Insect Pest Management Systems for Efficient and Sustainable Sugarcane Production
Development of Cold Storage Technology for Mass-Reared and Laboratory-Colonized Insects
Genetics of Host Specificity and Climatic Adaptation in Biological Control Agents Introduced for Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds
Evaluation and Characterization of Exotic Plant Pathogens for Biological Control of Introduced, Invasive Weeds
Classical Biological Control of Insect Pests of Crops in the Northeastern U.S.
Improvement of Uv Resistance, Viral and Host Range Enhancement of Baculoviruses As Biocontrol Agents
Production, Stabilization, and Formulation of Microbial Agents and Natural Products
Integrated Management of Pests Affecting Cotton: Plant Genetics, Biocontrol, and Novel Methods of Pest Estimation
Insect Genomic Biodiversity and Molecular Regulation of Diapause
Development of Biologically-Based Strategies for Managing Insect Pests of Horticultural Crops
Identification and Practical Use of Semiochemicals for the Management of Agriculturally Important Insects
Ipm Technologies for Subtropical Insect Pests
Chemical Signals for Managing Insects
Genomics and Proteomics of Stored-Product Insects for Development of New Biopesticides
Biologically and Ecologically Based Knowledge for Integrated Weed Management Systems
Biologically Based Cereal Aphid Managment
Sustainable Pest Management Strategies for Arid Land Cropping Systems
Systematics of Moths, Leafhoppers, and True Bugs of Importance to Agricultural, Forest, and Ornamental Plants
Systematics of Flies of Agricultural Importance
Systematic Analysis of Aphids, Mites, Scales, Thrips, and Termites with Emphasis on Invasive Species
Systematics of Parasitic and Plant-Feeding Wasps of Agricultural Importance
Ecology and Management of Grasshoppers and Other Insect Pests in the Northern Great Plains
Detection, Control and Area-Wide Management of Fruit Flies
Integrated Management of Insect Pests in Stored Grain and in Processed Grain Products
Areawide Pest Management of Fruit Flies in Hawaii
Internet-Based Information Resources for Invasive Species
Development of Integrated Pest Management Programs to Reduce Methyl Bromide Fumigations for Control of Insects in Postharvest Structures
Biological, Behavioral, and Physical Control As Alternatives for Stored Product and Quarantine Pests of Fresh/dried Fruits and Nuts
Development of Integrated Pest Management Programs to Reduce Methyl Bromide Fumigations for Control of Insects in Postharvest Structures
Protection of Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture Commodities and Ornamentals from Exotic Insects
Area-Wide Management of Agricultural Pests
Biologically Based Management Strategies for Control of Soil-Borne Pathogens ....an Alternative to Methyl Bromide Pre-Plant Soil Fumigation
Biologically-Based Systems for Soilborne Disease Control in Tree Fruit Agro-Ecosystems
An ARS Areawide Pest Management (Awpm)program for Methyl Bromide Alternatives
Biolocigal Control Organism Databases and Assessments
Postharvest Pest Control on Perishable Agricultural Commodities Using Controlled Atmospheres and Pure Phosphine Treatments
Control of Pathogens in Strawberry and Vegetable Production Systems
ARS Areawide Pest Management (Awpm) Program for the Asian Tiger Mosquito
An Areawide Control Program for Navel Orangeworm
Alternatives to Methyl Bromide Soil Fumigation for Vegetable and Floriculture Production
Biological Control of Invasive Swallow-Worts in the Northeastern United States
Development of Quarantine Alternatives for Subtropical Fruit and Vegetable Pests
Vegetable Grafting for Resistance to Soilborne Diseases
Alternatives to Mebr for California Cropping Systems
Enhancing Dispersion of Low Vapor Pressure Fumigants in Soil & Reducing Emissions to the Atmosphere for Improved Efficacy & Env. Protection
Integration of Biologically Based Technologies for Suppression of Soilborne Plant Pathogens
New Chemically Based Methods Which Reduce the Use Or Emissions of Chemicals As Alternatives to Mb for Quarantine and Postharvest Pests
Areawide Pest Management Program for Annual Grasses in the Great Basin Ecosystem
Microbial and Genetic Resources for Biological Control and High-Value Uses
Biologically Based Integrated Management of Weeds on Western Rangeland Watersheds
Augmentative Biological Control and Mass Rearing for Beneficial and Pest Insects
Ecology, Sampling, and Modeling of Insect Pests of Stored Grain, Processing Facilities, and Warehouses
Continued Development of the Famu Science Center
South Atlantic Areawide Pest Management (Awpm) Project for Methyl Bromide Alternatives
Areawide Pest Management Program for Russian Wheat Aphid and Greenbug
Area-Wide Suppression of Fire Ant Populations in Pastures
Minor Use Pesticides Umbrella Project
Control of Perennial and Annual Weeds Umbrella Project
Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter and Pierce's Disease
Nematode, Disease, Weed, Insect and Mite Control on Minor Food Crops and Ornamentals
Coordination Activities for Research to Register Minor Use of Pesticides
Minor Use Pesticide Testing on Vegetables and Sugar Crops
Field Testing of Minor Use Pesticides
Pesticide Trials in Vegetable and Ornamental Crops to Support the Ir-4 Program
Magnitude of the Residue Analyses in Minor Crops from Experimental Applications of Pesticides
Field Trials to Develop Data on Crop Protection Chemicals for Vegetable and Specialty Crops
Minor Use Pesticide Testing on Floral and Nursery Crops
Biologically Based Techniques to Limit the Dispersal of Invasive Pests
Discovery and Initial Development of Classical Biological Control Agents for Invasive Eurasian Weeds Affecting Agricultural & Natural Areas
Analysis of Pest Control Residues in Crops for Ir-4 Minor Use Registration
Residue Analysis of Minor Use Pesticides
Microbial and Biotechnology Applications for Insect Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management for Alaska Agriculture
Ecologically-Based Management of Boll Weevils and Post-Eradication Crop Pests
Biological Control of Emerald Ash Borer and Quarantine Services
Biological Control of the Coffee Berry Borer
Management of Invasive Scarabs, Root Weevils, and Other Beetles of Quarantine Significance in Horticultural, Turf, and Nursery Crops
Augmentative Bioherbicide Strategies for Control of Invasive Weeds
New Approaches for Insect Pest Management in Vegetable Crops
Integrated Pest Management for Mid-South Area Row Crops
Biology and Ecology of Cotton Pests Emphasizing Management of Boll Weevils
Ecologically-Based Management of Insect Pests of Corn
Biologically Based Weed Management: Fundamental Research on Dormancy and the Genetics of Weeds
Improved Mass Rearing of Insects for Biological Control Programs Through Advanced Nutrition and Quality Control Analyses
Biological Control of Invasive and Exotic Pests
Invasion Biology of Invasive Species: Biocontrol and Related Technologies for Exotic Insect Pests, with Emphasis on Asian Longhorned Beetle
Communications and Insect and Mite Taxonomic Services
Pest Biology, Ecology, and Integrated Pest Management for Sustainable Agriculture
Biologically-Based Technologies for Management of Crop Insect Pests in Local and Area-Wide Programs
The Ecology and Management of Medusahead in the Great Basin and Surrounding Ecosystems
Systematics of Beetles Important to Agriculture, Arboriculture, and Biological Control
Development of Biologically Based Control Methodologies for Weeds in Agricultural and Natural Areas
Biochemistry of Pest and Beneficial Insects and Interactions with Host Plants and Natural Enemies
Herbicide Efficacy Studies in Ornamental and Vegetable Crops
Chemistry and Biochemistry of Insect Behavior, Physiology and Ecology
Biological Control of Invasive Plants of the Northern Great Plains
Development & Evaluation of Biological Control Agents for Invasive Species Threatening the Everglades & Other Natural and Mananged Systems
Minor Use Weed Management
Minor Use Pesticide - Food/ornamentals
Identification and Characterization of Pest Insect Immune Responses to Biological Control Agents
Minor Use Pesticide Testing on Specialty Crops (Ir-4)
Control of Arthropod Pests of Pecan and Peach
Biologically Based Pest Management for Field and Greenhouse Crops
South American Biological Control Agents to Suppress Invasive Pests in the U.S.
Biologically Based Integrated Management of Invasive Aquatic and Riparian Weeds
Sustainable Systems for Integrated Pest Management and Conservation and Enhancement of Natural Enemies
Foreign Exploration for Natural Enemies of Invasive Species
Discovery and Development of Biological Control Agents for Weeds Which Are Invasive in the U.S. and Native to Australia and Southeast Asia
Ipm-Based Strategies for Biological Control of Greenhouse and Vegetable Crop Pests
Integrated Management Strategies Related to Insects for Established and Invasive Pest Species
Discovery, Biology and Ecology of Natural Enemies of Insect Pests of Crops, Urban and Natural Areas
Resistance Management and Injury Potential of Lepidopterous Pests to Transgenic Cottons
Integrated Management and Ecology of Weed Populations in the Southeastern Coastal Plain

Program Teams
Crop Protection and Quarantine (304) (co-leader)
Methyl Bromide Alternatives (308) (co-leader)
Last Modified: 05/06/2009
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