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Industrial Process Pollution Prevention Modeling

Industrial Multimedia research maintains a research program in modeling of industrial processes for Pollution Prevention applications. The purpose of this program is to develop computer software tools for the user community to self-assess their pollution prevention options with environmental concerns as a major parameter.

Current Activities:

  1. Improving Paris II software to increase phase stability of environmentally benign solvent replacements.
  2. Using Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data Mapping Tools for mapping analysis.
  3. GIS mapping analysis is done with EPA's OIAR Colorado Plateau Project to clean the Colorado watershed.
  4. Exploring Sustainability Theory using Information Theory.

Modeling Research Contact:

Paul Harten
Phone: (513) 569-7045
Fax:(513) 569-7471

Office of Research & Development | National Risk Management Research Laboratory

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