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May 8, 2009   
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Locating Opinions Written by a Specific Jurist

Often researchers need to locate decisions written by a specific judge. To conduct this type of search, you must use either WESTLAW or LEXIS. This feature is not yet available via the Internet. Following are examples of how to formulate searches to locate this material.

Select your database, and then you can use any of the following field identifiers to locate decisions:

Field Identifier
Field Identifier
Concurring CON (name) Concur (name) or Concurby (name)
Dissenting DIS (name) Dissent (name) or Dissentby (name)
Judge JU (name) Decision (name) or Judges (name) or Written by(name)
Lead LE (name) N/A
Opinions OP (name) Opinions (name) or Opinionby (name) or Opinions (name)
Panel PA (name) N/A


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