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Mission & Goals

Basic Information

The National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL), located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, formulates and implements a comprehensive research program to investigate the effects of environmental pollutants and other anthropogenic stresses on human health and the ecosystems in which we live.

NHEERL is the focal point for toxicological, clinical, epidemiological, ecological, and biogeographic research within the Environmental Protection Agency. To improve the scientific underpinnings of EPA's risk assessments and regulatory policy decisions, NHEERL scientists create and apply:

In addition to its intramural research, the NHEERL fosters cooperative research projects with academic and other scientific institutions to complement NHEERL mission-oriented efforts as well as to insure that the Agency has the benefit of the highest quality peer-reviewed science.

Long-term research components define and characterize toxicological hazards, quantify dose response and other important cause-effect relationships, and assess the integrity and sustainability of ecosystems. In addition, NHEERL scientists serve as scientific advisors/reviewers in providing technical assistance to Program Offices, Regions, States, Tribes, other ORD national laboratories, senior Agency managers, Agency workgroups, and interagency task forces. NHEERL also provides national and international leadership in identifying and resolving important human and ecological issues and by influencing the research planning/priorities of other research organizations.

NHEERL's mission embraces three objectives. Pursuit of these objectives enable NHEERL to secure and expand its position as a premier environmental research institution.

Effects Research

Critical features of NHEERL's effects research include:

In addition to its in-house efforts, NHEERL administers an extramural program through cooperative agreements, contracts, and interagency agreements. These collaborative mechanisms draw upon the expertise of preeminent researchers in academia, industry, and other government organizations.


NHEERL scientists are leaders in the environmental research arena and are actively involved in the scientific community. This leadership role is demonstrated in numerous ways that include:

The collective contribution of these activities affords NHEERL the opportunity to exert considerable influence on the direction and priorities of environmental research worldwide.


The expertise and agency-oriented perspective of NHEERL's scientists place them in a unique position to respond to diverse requests for scientific advice and technical consultation. NHEERL reseachers:

By sharing its skills and knowledge, NHEERL enhances the ability of other organizations to safeguard public health and the environment, and serves as a catalyst for scientific and technological progress.

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