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What's New on the Paleo Web Pages - 1998

What's New in 1998:
asychron.gif 7 Oct 98
Data from T. Blunier et al, Nature 394: 739-743 (20 August 1998), Asynchrony of Antarctic and Greenland Climate Change During the Last Glacial Period
     (374 bytes) 1 Sept 98
Data from Hughen et al, Radiocarbon 39, 483-494 A New 14C Calibation Data Set for the Last Deglaciation.
NHem.gif (374 bytes) 4 June 98
Data from Briffa, Jones, Schweingruber & Osborn, Nature Volcanic Eruptions & N. Hemisphere Summer Temperature.
mannetal.gif (15386 bytes) 23 April 98
Data from Mann, Bradley, & Hughes, Nature Global Six Century Temperature Patterns.
ice-core.gif (17166 bytes) 3 April 98
The Greenland Summit Ice Cores CDROM is online.
wetdry.gif (338 bytes) 17 March 98
Data from Stahle, et al, Science The Lost Colony and Jamestown Droughts

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10 February 1999