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Contributing Dendrochronological Data

The International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) at the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology archives both raw measurements and site chronologies. All contributions must include raw measurements of ringwidth, wood density, or other dendrochronologic parameters. All series must be dendrochronologically dated (i.e. cross-dated), but floating (i.e., cross-dated series that are not anchored in time) series are accepted as well. There are no minimum requirements for series length or numbers of samples. Site chronologies computed by the investigator are also archived, and their submission is strongly encouraged.

Data may be submitted in any convenient format. The decadal format developed at the University of Arizona Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research ("Tucson format") has been the preferred format and will continue to be accepted. However, some or all of the standard dendrochronological programs (COFECHA, ARSTAN, etc.) may be re-written to incorporate a new, more flexible format. If and when this new format is developed, we will be recommending that format be used.

We ask that you include some information (metadata) about the collection with the submission of the data. We now have a new data submission form that indicates the information we would like you to include.�The form can be filled out online and sent along with the data files all in one step. Instead of creating a header with the metadata, you can just fill out the form from your browser, indicate the appropriate files, and hit the submit button to send it all to us.

For best results, use Netscape version 4.5 or newer and Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or newer (older versions may work, but certain features such as word wrap and the browse button may not). All newer versions of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer are available as free downloads at those sites.

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27 April 2000