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Use this form to contribute data. Please provide as much information as possible. Items with starsstar image are required.
Contributer Information
Primary Contributerstar image:
Other Contributers:
(separated with commas)
Primary Contributer email:

Data Set Information
Core/Site Namestar image:
Location: General
[note: latitude and longitude can be entered in either deg/min/sec or decimal degree format. If using decimal degrees, put decimal value in the degree box and leave others blank. Please do not use degree symbols.] Latitudestar image:
deg min sec format:
Longitudestar image:
deg min sec format:
    How was latitude/longitude determined?
    Water Depthstar image meters

Abstract and Description:

[note: this should include a 1-2 sentence discussion of the dataset, plus a description of methods used]

Publication Citation:

[please list publication in which these data appear]


Abstract from Citations:

[note: this field is for the abstract from the above listed primary publication]

Publication Date: (yyyy/mm, ex. 2000/03)
  Time Period of Record: Beg. Year: End Year:


[note: the following theme keywords are automatically included with each data set: Earth Science, Paleoclimate, Paleoceanography Records]

-Temporal Resolution- select one:

-Temporal Keywords- select one:

-Any Additional Keywords-:

ASCII Data Files: (Send non-ASCII formats via e-mail to
Please include depth and age for each sample. Please also include age pick information
(including depth, age, uncertainty, how measured (14C, U/Th, isotope correlation, etc), lab number).
Files (specifiy the full path):

Additional Information:

Notes or comments:


Contact Us
15 January 2002