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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Fisheries Management - Harvest Specifications

2006 - 2007 Alaska Groundfish Harvest Specification Tables

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Harvest Specifications for Other Years

Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI)
Gulf of Alaska
NOTE: See the BSAI and GOA final rules for the text that accompanies the following final specification tables. Please also refer to the changes to the 2006 and 2007 final harvest specifications.
TABLE 1: Overfishing Level (OFL), Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC), Total Allowable Catch (TAC), Initial Tac (ITAC), and CDQ Reserve Allocation of Groundfish in The BSAI (updated 9/19/06) TABLE 1: 2006 ABCS, TACS, AND Overfishing Levels of Groundfish for the Western/Central/West Yakutat (W/C/WYK), Western (W), Central (C), Eastern (E) Regulatory Areas, and in the West Yakutat (WYK), Southeast Outside (SEO), and Gulfwide (GW) Districts of the Gulf of Alaska
TABLE 2: Apportionment of Reserves to Itac Categories (updated 9/19/06) TABLE 2: 2007 ABCS, TACS, And Overfishing Levels of Groundfish for the Western/Central/West Yakutat (W/C/WYK), Western (W), Central (C), Eastern (E) Regulatory Areas, and in the West Yakutat (WYK), Southeast Outside (SEO), And Gulfwide (GW) Districts of the Gulf of Alaska
TABLE 3: Allocations of Pollock TACS To the Directed Pollock Fisheries and to the CDQ Directed Fishing Allowances (DFA)
(updated 10/10/06)
TABLE 3: 2006 Sablefish TAC Specifications in the Gulf of Alaska and Allocations Thereof to Hook- And-Line and Trawl Gear
TABLE 4: Seasonal and Spatial Allowances, Gear Shares, And CDQ Reserve of the BSAI Atka Mackerel TAC TABLE 4: 2007 Sablefish TAC Specifications in the Gulf of Alaska and Allocations Thereof to Trawl Gear
TABLE 5: Gear Shares and Seasonal Allowances of the BSAI Pacific Cod ITAC
(updated 9/19/06)
TABLE 5: 2006 Distribution of Pollock in the Central and Western Regulatory Areas of the Gulf of Alaska; Seasonal Biomass Distribution, Area Apportionments; and Seasonal Allowances of Annual TAC
TABLE 6: Gear Shares and CDQ Reserve of BSAI Sablefish TACS TABLE 6: 2007 Distribution of Pollock in the Central and Western Regulatory Areas of the Gulf of Alaska; Seasonal Biomass Distribution, Area Apportionments; and Seasonal Allowances of Annual TAC
TABLE 7: Prohibited Species Bycatch Allowances for the BSAI TRawl and Non-Trawl Fisheries TABLE 7: 2006 Seasonal Apportionments and Allocation of Pacific Cod TAC Amounts in the Gulf of Alaska; Allocations for Processing by the Inshore and Offshore Components
TABLE 8: Assumed Pacific Halibut Discard Mortality Rates for the BSAI Fisheries TABLE 8: 2007 Seasonal Apportionments and Allocation of Pacific Cod TAC Amounts in the Gulf of Alaska; Allocations for Processing by the Inshore and Offshore Components
TABLE 9: Directed Fishing Closures TABLE 9: PAcific Halibut PSC Limits, Allowances, and Apportionments
TABLE 10 : Bering Sea Subarea Inshore Cooperative Allocations (updated 10/10/06) TABLE 10: Apportionment of Pacific Halibut PSC Trawl Limits Between the Trawl Gear Deep-Water Species Complex and the Shallow-Water Species Complex
TABLE 11: Bering Sea Subarea Pollock Allocations to the Cooperative and Open Access Sectors of the Inshore Pollock Fishery TABLE 11: Halibut Discard Mortality Rates for Vessels Fishing in the Gulf of Alaska
TABLE 12: Listed BSAI American Fisheries Act Catcher/Process or Groundfish Sideboard Limits (updated 9/19/06) TABLE 12: 2006 GOA Non-Exempt American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel (CV) Groundfish Harvest Sideboard Limitations
TABLE 13: BSAI American Fisheries Act Listed Catcher/Processor Prohibited Species Sideboard Limits TABLE 13: 2007 GOA Non-Exempt American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel (CV) Groundfish Harvest Sideboard Limitations
TABLE 14: BSAI American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel Sideboard Limits
(updated 9/19/06)
TABLE 14: 2006/07 GOA Non-Exempt American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel Prohibited Species Catch (PSC) Limits
TABLE 15: American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel Prohibited Species Catch Sideboard Limits for The BSAI TABLE 15: 2006 Non-American Fisheries Act Crab Vessel (CV) Groundfish Harvest Sideboard Limitations
TABLE 16: American Fisheries Act Listed Catcher/Processor Sideboard Directed Fishing Closures TABLE 16: 2007 Non-American Fisheries Act Crab Vessel (CV) Groundfish Harvest Sideboard Limitations
TABLE 17: American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel Sideboard Directed Fishing Closures TABLE 17: Directed Fishing Closures in the GOA
TABLE 18: Non-Exempt Afa Catcher Vessel Sideboard Directed Fishing Closures in the GOA

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