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Pesticides > Pesticide Legal Aspects
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The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act and its amendments authorize the EPA to regulate the manufacture and use of all pesticides in the United States. In particular, the Agency is responsible for registration and labeling of pesticides, the certification of pesticide applicators and enforcing compliance against the use of banned substances. The EPA works with pesticide manufacturers as well as state and local authorities to achieve the goal of making sure that pesticides do not cause unreasonable harm to human health and the environment.

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Browse these EPA Pesticide Legal Aspects subtopics
Safety Training, Worker Protection

Pest Management
Crop Protection, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), State Management Plan

Pesticide Effects
Animal Safety, Child Safety, Food Safety, Health Effects, Pesticide Spills, Risk Assessment

Check! Pesticide Legal Aspects
Compliance, Enforcement, Guidance, Labeling, Legislation, Public Comment, Regulations, Reporting

Pesticide Management
Banned or Canceled Pesticides, Pesticide Disposal, Pesticide Registration, Pesticide Reregistration, Pesticide Storage, Pesticide Tolerances

Pesticide Monitoring
Models, Residues, Test Methods

Pesticide Types
Antimicrobial Pesticides, Biopesticides, Disinfectants and Sanitizers, Insecticides, Rodenticides

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