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Pesticides > Pesticide Effects > Food Safety
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The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for a number of activities that contribute to food security within the United States, in areas such as food safety, water quality, and pesticide regulation. The Agency is responsible both for the registration of new pesticides and the re-registration of older pesticides to ensure that they meet current scientific standards. EPA sets "tolerances," which are the maximum amount of pesticides that may legally remain in or on food and animal feed, and works with the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture to ensure that these limits are not exceeded.

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Browse these EPA Pesticide Effects subtopics
Safety Training, Worker Protection

Pest Management
Crop Protection, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), State Management Plan

Check! Pesticide Effects
Food Safety, Animal Safety, Child Safety, Health Effects, Pesticide Spills, Risk Assessment

Pesticide Legal Aspects
Compliance, Enforcement, Guidance, Labeling, Legislation, Public Comment, Regulations, Reporting

Pesticide Management
Banned or Canceled Pesticides, Pesticide Disposal, Pesticide Registration, Pesticide Reregistration, Pesticide Storage, Pesticide Tolerances

Pesticide Monitoring
Models, Residues, Test Methods

Pesticide Types
Antimicrobial Pesticides, Biopesticides, Disinfectants and Sanitizers, Insecticides, Rodenticides

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