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Calories In, Calories Out: Food and Exercise in Public Elementary Schools, 2005 - Table 22.  Percent of public elementary schools that calculated the students' body mass index and measured students' height and weight indicating whether the information was sent to parents, by selected school characteristics: 2005

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Table 22. Percent of public elementary schools that calculated the students' body mass index and measured students' height and weight indicating whether the information was sent to parents, by selected school characteristics: 2005
School characteristic Body mass index information Height information Weight information
   All public elementary schools 493939
Enrollment size 
   Less than 300 544242
   300 to 499 543940
   500 or more 433637
School locale 
   City 453939
   Urban fringe 523738
   Town 4345
   Rural 473939
   Northeast 482829
   Southeast 624343
   Central 514243
   West 414041
Percent minority enrollment 
   Less than 6 percent 563939
   6 to 20 percent 544039
   21 to 49 percent 493940
   50 percent or more 453840
Percent of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch 
   Less than 35 percent 503737
   35 to 49 percent 544343
   50 to 74 percent 474141
   75 percent or more 483739
‡ Reporting standards not met.
NOTE: Data in this table are based on the number of schools that calculated the students' body mass index and measured the students' height or weight (table 21).
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Fast Response Survey System (FRSS), "Foods and Physical Activity in Public Elementary Schools: 2005," FRSS 87, 2005.

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