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Do you have....

  • Rooms full of documents deteriorating from age and frequent handling?
  • Files to be converted due to space needs or relocation?
  • Documents you need to make available throughout your agency or even to the public?
  • State-of-the-art imaging system handling your day-to-day requirements but no cost effective way to incorporate the wealth of historical information in your files?
  • Too many drawings, maps and charts taking up valuable space?

If So, Then UNICOR Services Business Group Can Offer You A Solution!

UNICOR Services Business Group has over 30 years experience in document conversion. We can handle virtually any conversion tasks quickly, economically, professionally and accurately. Our workforce receives intensive training and is supervised by document conversion professionals. As our customer, you have direct contact with the manager responsible for your job, thereby assuring clarity and immediate follow up regarding your work requirements and delivery needs.

As a cost-effective source, UNICOR Services Business Group can be awarded your contract without time consuming competitive bidding. Simply use your own purchase order form, MIPR, interagency agreement, blanket purchase order or contract and you can be quickly on your way to putting your paper-based information into a form from which you can most benefit.

What We Do…

UNICOR Data Services specializes in Electronic Imaging Services and OCR/Indexing/Coding Services for Federal agencies and their contractors. UNICOR provides conversion for a wide range of documents:

  • Capture and conversion for EDMS (Electronic Document Management Systems)
  • E-Government documents
  • Tech manual text and illustrations
  • Office correspondence and file folders
  • Contract file folders (active and closed)
  • Microfiche, microfilm and aperture cards
  • Litigation support documentation
  • Training and policy manuals
  • Environmental and technical reports
  • Contour maps and nautical charts
  • Engineering and facilities drawings
  • Other GIS and CAD applications

Low Cost, High Quality

Many UNICOR services are performed in partnership with private sector firms. Teaming with these firms allows UNICOR to provide a low cost, high quality service to its Federal customers and their contractors, enabling them to meet total project requirements while saving substantially on costs.

Some of UNICOR Data Services' satisfied customers include:

  • Patent and Trademark Office
  • United States Navy
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • National Park Service
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