Rio Grande Gorge, New Mexico
Mimbres Black-on-White Bowl, New Mexico Lesser Prairie Chicken, New Mexico Rafting the Rio Grande, New Mexico Wild Horse, New Mexico Oil Rig, Oklahoma
New Mexico
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New Mexico National Landscape Conservation System

Map of NLCS New Mexico Units

National Monuments - Established by the President or Congress to protect “objects of historic or scientific interest.”

National Conservation Areas - Designated by Congress to conserve, protect, enhance, and manage public land areas for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. NCAs feature exceptional natural, recreational, cultural, wildlife, aquatic, archeological, paleontological, historical, educational or scientific resources.

National Scenic and Historic Trails – Designated by Congress, they are extended trails that provide significant scenic, historical, natural or cultural qualities.

National Wild and Scenic Rivers – Designated by Congress, they are free flowing rivers that provide outstanding scenic, recreational, geologic , or other unique values.

Wilderness – Designated by Congress, they are areas where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain.  Information on BLM New Mexico Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas

Wilderness Study Areas - Areas studied for their potential to be designated as Wilderness.  They are managed so as not to impair their suitability for preservation as wilderness should Congress decided to do so.

Three Special Areas in New Mexico Now Protected

With the signing of the Omnibus Lands Bill, three special areas in New Mexico are now protected as part of the National Landscape Conservation System.

Click here to read the news release.