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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to U.S. Department of Labor

Title 29  



Chapter I  

Office of the Secretary of Labor



Part 31  

Nondiscrimination In Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of Labor-- Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

29 CFR 31.7 - Conduct of investigations.

  • Section Number: 31.7
  • Section Name: Conduct of investigations.

    (a) Periodic compliance reviews. The Secretary shall from time to 
time review the practices of recipients to determine whether they are 
complying with this part.
    (b) Complaints. Any person who believes himself or any specific 
class of individuals to be subjected to discrmination prohibited by this 
part may by himself or by a representative file with the Secretary a 
written complaint. A complaint must be filed not later than 180 days 
from the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing 
is extended by the Secretary.
    (c) Investigations. The Secretary will make a prompt investigation 
whenever a compliance review, report, complaint, or any other 
information indicates a possible failure to comply with this part. The 
investigation should include, where appropriate, a review of the 
pertinent practices and policies of the recipient, the circumstances 
under which the possible noncompliance with
this part occurred, and other factors relevant to a determination as to 
whether the recipient has failed to comply with this part.
    (d) Resolution of matters. (1) If an investigation pursuant to 
paragraph (c) indicates a failure to comply with this part, the 
Secretary will so inform the recipient and the matter will be resolved 
by informal means whenever possible. If it has been determined that the 
matter cannot be resolved by informal means, action will be taken as 
provided for in Sec. 31.8.
    (2) If an investigation does not warrant action pursuant to 
paragraph (d)(1) the Secretary will so inform the recipient and the 
complainant, if any, in writing.
    (e) Intimidatory or retaliatory acts prohibited. No recipient or 
other person shall intimidate, threaten, coerce or discriminate against 
any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or 
privilege secured by section 601 of the Act or this part, or because he 
has made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner 
in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this part. The 
identity of complainant shall be kept confidential except to the extent 
necessary to carry out the purposes of this part, including the conduct 
of any investigation, hearing, or judicial proceeding arising 
[29 FR 16284, Dec. 4, 1964. Redesignated and amended at 38 FR 17958, 
July 5, 1973]
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