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Security Strategy

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In September 2002, EPA published a Strategic Plan for Homeland Security outlining the Agency's activities and initiatives through fiscal year 2005 in support of homeland security. The 2004 Homeland Security Strategy (PDF) (68 pp, 1.6 Mb) updates this earlier effort and furthers EPA's strategic planning process. Specifically, the update takes into consideration the Agency's available resources through fiscal year 2005, recent Presidential Directives and expectations, and the evolving role of the Department of Homeland Security.

The objectives of the 2004 Strategy are organized into five mission-critical areas:

  1. Critical Infrastructure Protection;
  2. Preparedness, Response, and Recovery;
  3. Communication and Information;
  4. Protection of EPA Personnel and Infrastructure; and
  5. Evaluation.

Critical Infrastructure Protection

EPA has unique programmatic responsibilities and expertise related to the water and wastewater industries and has been designated as the lead federal agency for coordinating the protection of critical infrastructure for the water sector. EPA is committed to assessing and reducing vulnerabilities and strengthening detection and response capabilities in this area. In addition, EPA will contribute to similar efforts led by other federal agencies addressing sectors such as the chemical, food, transportation, and energy sectors. EPA also will provide environmental expertise to support federal law enforcement activities. Further, EPA is working to improve compliance monitoring and surveillance of imports of dangerous chemicals, waste and materials at more than 300 ports of entry across the country.

Read more about Strategy Objective I (PDF) (20pp, 216KB)

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Preparedness, Response, and Recovery

Under the National Strategy for Homeland Security and various federal response plans, EPA has specific response and recovery responsibilities. EPA emergency responders play a vital role in the federal response to any chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear terrorist events. EPA will continue to focus on strengthening its response capabilities, clarifying roles and responsibilities to ensure an effective response, and promoting improved response capabilities across government and industry in the areas in which the Agency has unique knowledge and expertise.

Read more about Strategy Objective II (PDF) (12pp, 168KB)

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Communication and Information

Comprehensive, accurate, well-organized, and timely information is critical to sound decisionmaking. EPA possesses unique capabilities to collect, synthesize, interpret, manage, and disseminate complex information related to human health and the environment. Effectively managing and sharing this information within the Agency and with EPA’s partners at all levels of government and industry will contribute to the Nation’s homeland security capabilities.

Read more about Strategy Objective III (PDF) (6pp, 144KB)

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Protection of EPA Personnel and Infrastructure

The security and protection of personnel and infrastructure are critical to ensuring EPA’s ability to respond to terrorist incidents as well as continue to fulfill the Agency’s mission. In recognition of this, EPA has undertaken steps to safeguard and protect employees, ensure the continuity of operations, and protect Agency facilities nationwide.

Read more about Strategy Objective IV (6pp, 142KB)

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Internal evaluations of Agency activities are important for identifying areas needing improvement to promote efficient use of EPA’s resources. EPA will conduct internal studies and evaluations of its homeland security activities and determine if the Agency is achieving the desired objectives described in the 2004 Strategy.

Read more about Strategy Objective V (PDF) (2pp, 127KB)

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For more information about the plan, visit the EPA Newsroom.

Or to view the Strategy, download: EPA Homeland Security Strategy (PDF) (68pp, 1.6MB).

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