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Climate Program Office. Understanding climate variability and change to enhance society's ability to plan and respond
NOAA to address drinking water providers

News Article; Chet Koblinsky, CPO Director
Chet Koblinsky, CPO Director
From April 19-22, leaders from Congress and the new Administration will share their views and plans with attendees of the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) annual policy event in Washington, DC. Collectively, AMWA member utilities provide more than 125 million people with safe drinking water. As many of the most critical impacts of global climate change will manifest themselves through the hydrologic system, drinking water utilities are very concerned about climate change. How water providers can respond and adapt to climate change will be a major topic of discussion at the conference.


NOAA ClimateWatch Editorial Workshop

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is planning a 1.5-day NOAA ClimateWatch Editorial Workshop in NOAA Building 3, Room 4527 on June 1-2, 2009, in Silver Spring, MD. All NOAA personnel who communicate and engage with the public about the agency's climate science and service programs are invited to attend. Other invited participants include communications professionals from museums and science centers as well as educators and storytellers from tribal communities. Anyone requesting travel support should register by COB May 1 by completing this Registration Form (PDF). More information about the workshop's goals and objectives, hotel information, and a draft agenda are also available here (PDF).

California Governor's Climate Action Team releases draft biennial report

News Article; Climate Action Team (CAT) Cover
A biennial report released on April 1 suggests that without action, a range of severe and costly climate change impacts are possible across California. The Governor's Climate Action Team (CAT) consolidated and updated comprehensive scientific research to outline environmental and economic climate impacts for their region.


Work begins on critical National Academy study

News Article; America's Climate Choices Logo
The National Academy of Sciences is currently engaged in a study it is calling America's Climate Choices. The study was requested by members of Congress who directed NOAA to support the Academy in an effort to "investigate and study the serious and sweeping issues relating to global climate change and make recommendations regarding what steps must be taken and what strategies must be adopted in response to global climate change, including the science and technology challenges thereof."


Request for Information on Options for Sustained Support of Research to Support NOAA Climate Services

The Climate Program Office in NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research solicits information to help guide a restructuring of programs that will support NOAA's collaborations with the extramural research community in critical research areas.

The Climate Program Office (CPO) seeks information that will assist us with developing priorities for a limited set of academic/research centers that work with NOAA to improve its capabilities in aspects of climate, climate prediction, and efforts to bring climate science and information into policy and decision-making. We have identified a number of research focus areas in developing plans to meet the needs of increasing societal demands for climate information and services.


Request for Information on Climate Risk Management and Adaptation Strategies in the Developing World

The Climate Program Office in NOAA's Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research solicits information on current climate risk management and adaptation strategies that help countries around the world cope with climate change.

The Climate Program Office (CPO) supports the development of climate information, forecasts, risk management strategies and products for the developing world. To sustain these efforts, we seek information on state-of-the-art climate risk management research and practices on timescales ranging from weeks to decades. Additionally, we are soliciting information on adaptation techniques and strategies for dealing with climate change in developing countries. Input from the broader community will guide the evolution of our activities to meet the mounting challenges posed by climate variability and change.


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NOAA's Climate Program Office: 1315 East West Highway, 12th Floor, Silver Spring MD 20910
Tel: 301-734-1200    Fax: 301-713-0517
Last Updated on April 21, 2009