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Title:  A Second Follow-up Year for Measuring how Benchmark Assessments Affect Student Achievement
Description: This REL Technical Brief examines whether, after two years of implementation, schools in Massachusetts using quarterly benchmark exams aligned with state standards in middle school mathematics showed greater gains in student achievement than those not doing so. A quasi-experimental design, using covariate matching and comparative interrupted time-series techniques, was used to assess school differences in changes in mathematics performance between program and comparison schools. Following up on an earlier Issues & Answers report, with just one year of post-implementation data, the study found no significant differences between schools using this practice and those not doing so after two years.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: April 2008
Web Release: May 19, 2008
Publication #: REL TR00208
Center/Program: REL
Associated Centers: NCEE
Authors: Susan Henderson, Anthony Petrosino, Sarah Guckenburg, and Stephen Hamilton: Learning Innovations at WestEd
Type of Product: Technical Brief
Questions: For questions about the content of this Technical Brief, please contact:
Gloria Vera.
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