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Title:  What States Can Learn About State Standards and Assessment Systems from No Child Left Behind Documents and Interviews with Central Region Assessment Directors
Description: The purpose of this study is to describe the No Child Left Behind requirements for state standards and assessment systems. It examined official documents and peer review decision letters and included interviews with state assessment directors in the Central Region to highlight the challenges states face in developing and implementing approved systems.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: March 2008
Web Release: April 7, 2008
Publication #: REL 2008036
Center/Program: REL
Associated Centers: NCEE
Authors: Elisabeth A. Palmer, ASPEN Associates, Inc.; Zoe A. Barley, Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning.
Type of Product: Issues and Answers Report
Questions: For questions about the content of this Issues and Answers Report, please contact:
Gloria Vera.
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